Small Wall clock 2

The last clock I made in 2020.  Its another small wall clock that was commissioned by a friend to replace his huge corner long case clock.
He provided some she-oak which was quite special to him being from some family furniture he had dismantled years ago.

After his huge corner long case he wanted something quite simple. Though I talked him into some burl veneer and stringing.  The side frames are made from a lamination of Jarrah and She-oak, with the She-oak on the outside.  They have a vertical string of cherry which is also used for the glazing strips. 

The back board is veneered with book match maple burl, edged with cherry stringing and She-oak.

The top and bottom rails of the door are also faced with book matched maple burls to match the back board.  

I built a drawer into the base to house the key, and to reduce the amount of visible hardware the door was held closed with magnets.

The case houses a Kieninger APL  Westminster chime, not quite as sophisticated as their J movement in the other small wall clock.  I has Westminster chime on five rod gong, which is either on or off.  No auto night silence.

I was very pleased with simple case and to have been able to use his She-oak.  He was very happy!

Thanks for looking.  That's it for my clocks.

Very nice - that maple burl almost looks like copper.
A simple design that looks beautiful, a wonderful book match on the burl. Well done.

Main Street to the Mountains

Nice clock. And a substantial movement, probably the most expensive part of the clock. 

Are there any mortise and tenons involved in the construction?

James McIntyre

James - it's a while since I made it but I'm sure that the frames, the sides and door were M & T'ed. In all honesty I can't think of another 'joint' that I would have used that would give the same result.