It's a shoehorn, and it works great. Curved to fit around the back of my leg. I've been using it 10 years now.
I lost all the build pics I had on photobucket. It's trial and error, emphasis on error when I'm involved. I started with a 28" x 2" x 2" walnut blank in a chuck, and got the multi axis at the tailstock end. Plus some bandsaw work after turning, followed by handtools.
Pretty much the same method gave me a backscratcher. 23" x 2" x 2" walnut?? blank to start with. I thought it was butternut, maybe sapwood walnut. It's not multi axis, but I think it might work better that way. I like using hexagonal handles. It's like a claw from a T-Rex, nice and thick.
Olympic Antique Oil Finish. I wish that was still available, great stuff. Sorry I can't remember all the details, it's a good day when I remember where I parked my car. I didn't have a plan when I started, just playing around and liked the results.
I want to do right, but not right now. Gillian Welch