Storage Box for Large Cole Jaws

I recently acquired a set of the large (12 inch or 300mm) cole jaws for a Nova chuck, and as I do with new tools, I built a storage box for the jaws and chuck, as well as the associated accessories.

The box is dovetailed pine construction with quarter inch plywood top and bottom and holds the jaws on the chuck, and has places to hold the jaw extensions which I bought with the jaws (allowing it to hold a bowl up to 15 inches in diameter.

The lid is hinged with a piano hinge, and has a small latch to hold it shut, and the box is finished with French Toast milk paint and a coat of tung oil.

May you have the day you deserve!


Cleaver layout for the extensions.  But I would be more impressed if you had made a round dovetailed box for a round chuck.  ;-)   

BTW, You'd better get your Sharpie label maker out or you would know which box as those dang jaws in it.  

--Nathan, TX. Hire the lazy man. He may not do as much work but that's because he will find a better way.

Good call on the box. Otherwise a few months from now you would be scrounging around for one of the pieces 😁
You are such a great organizer!  Love the customized boxes for all your tools.  Inspiring me to do better....
Seems to me that you spend as much time making boxes for your tools as you do using them Dave. 😜
You do make good boxes. 👍

"Duck and Bob would be out doin some farming with funny hats on." chrisstef

Nice Dave, all the parts and pieces in one place.

Main Street to the Mountains

Nice storage box keeping all associate components together. 
My impression of the parts is that they're pretty heavy, will a quarter inch bottom hold them?
Dave, I have no idea what a 300mm Cole Jaw is, much less a Nova Chuck, but that’s a damn nice box!

Knowing how to use a tool is more important than the tool in and of itself. - Ron Aylor

Nice box.   well done layout.


Thanks, folks!

Duck, I figure it’s “dovetail practice.” And yeah, sometimes it seems that way, but I’m slowly getting some order in the chaos that’s my shop, so…

Tom, everything but the chuck is aluminum, so the 7 layer quarter inch ply I found will probably do the trick. Not sure where I got that, but I should find some more. It’s good stuff.

May you have the day you deserve!

Nicely done Dave - nice touch for the manual, I'm nicking that idea :)
Thanks, Mike! My sweetie keeps every manual she’s ever had, whereas I used to throw them all away, but I figure it’s not much extra effort to keep the manual with the tool, and if nothing else, it has the warranty information in case something should break.

May you have the day you deserve!

Nice box! I wish I had more storage space to put stuff in. #sad #jealous

Steven- Random Orbital Nailer

Nice as always. I think you will need a big box to organize all those organizing boxes soon:)

No name noobie here