Little box for a pen

I recently finished a little box to hold a pen I’m giving to my doctor as a retirement gift. The sides are dovetailed 5mm thick salt cedar from Arizona, and the top and bottom are 1/16” thick bubinga simply glued onto the sides. The inside has a single coat of tung oil, and the outside got three sessions of French polishing with shellac and tung oil.

May you have the day you deserve!


Very nice, the bubinga is a great touch. What a wonderful gift.  I like the latch also.  Dovetails are special for a small box.  

TimV, "The understanding eye sees the maker's fingerprints, they are evident in every detail, leave Fingerprints." James Krenov

sweet little box dave.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Nice gift and crafted box Dave.

Me think however you should make some kind of holder inside so the pen isn't just rattling around?

Perhaps a pair of "V" blocks or even some cut foam.
I was thinking similarly to Splinter.

Nice work; kick it up another notch. 😎
Gift boxes add so much more to the gift. And this one is a beauty!
Very nice, the bubinga looks great 

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)


The box is also getting a note and I figure the pen will be wrapped in the note. And without putting a holder in the box, it’s more general-purpose and regiftable.

May you have the day you deserve!

What a beautiful gift, gorgeous colour & figure in the timber on the lid. 

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings

Nicely done!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

A nice little box and a thoughtful gift.  I’m sure it will be appreciated.

Recently I’ve been flocking the insides of boxes, it’s easy and I’ve been 
pleasantly surprised by how nice a finish it provides.


Very nice idea & great box for this gift. I was going to agree with SplinterGroup & GaryG, that a foam insert would be appropriate however how about this: a small square block in one of the inside corners, with a hole drilled to accept the pen as a means to stand it up during use?
Just a thought. I'm sure the good doctor will be most appreciative of this.

Your idea to make the box able to be repurposed or regifted is pretty cool.
What about inserting a pair of pressure fit core box coved pieces while the pen is stored within?

Just another idea.
Thanks again, folks!

I may end up doing some sort of insert. We’ll see how the note goes and which pen I end up picking from the ones I still have on hand.

I used to make my boxes single purpose, with glued-in inserts, but a friend mentioned that it was a lot nicer if he could reuse a box for something else, so could I please not do that? And there it is.

I’ve got a big homer depot box full of various size bits of foam, and plenty of wood shavings, plus a roll of packing paper, so I generally end up packing things pretty well. The only packing material I don’t reuse are the stupid foam peanuts which get thrown away once I manage to get them off the wall, door, and pretty much everything in the shop because the humidity here is almost always low and they get stuck to everything.

May you have the day you deserve!

The box looks great Dave, You have the dovetails down for sure, and I bet the thinner stock made them a breeze to cut. 

I had to laugh about the peanuts, an explosion of foam peanuts when the seal is broken. They can make a mess of things.  

Main Street to the Mountains


nice little box there.

My scrap pile just got and idea.


Simple, attractive and well done.

-- There is nothing like the sound of a well tuned hand plane. - and

Nice - that bubinga sets it off.
Kudos, Dave!

Knowing how to use a tool is more important than the tool in and of itself. - Ron Aylor

Thanks, Gents! Working on a backup pen for the box. Going to try and have the whole package ready on Tuesday or Wednesday.

May you have the day you deserve!

Your signature box! I need to make something similar for my new item. 

No name noobie here