Joined Chest - Face Frame

My current project is a joined chest in red oak, cherry, and spalted maple.

The construction of the frame is typical drawbore mortise and tenon joinery.

The back panel will be pine. Panels on the sides will be spalted maple. But on the front, I decided on cherry with linenfold carving.

Here it is so far, with nulling on the top rail, “crease molding” on the muntins, bottom rail, and legs, with two completed linenfold panels.

More to come... stay tuned!

Knowing how to use a tool is more important than the tool in and of itself. - Ron Aylor



That top rail looks great

Thanks. I debated whether to carve it or not, but I think the pulling goes with the linenfold quite well.

Knowing how to use a tool is more important than the tool in and of itself. - Ron Aylor

wow incredible work ron. your carving is just beautiful. yeah it all works quite well.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Looking good, Ron. Can’t wait to see the finished product.

May you have the day you deserve!

Some fine looking detailing going on here. Never knew the official name of your linen fold carving, looks awesome!
Love your carving. Can’t wait to see it complete. 

James McIntyre

Looking phenomenal. Will watch for the rest.  

TimV, "The understanding eye sees the maker's fingerprints, they are evident in every detail, leave Fingerprints." James Krenov

Ron, your carving is really great, the details are spot on, look like they're machine made. This is going to be a beautiful chest.
Beautiful! You've chosen a nice balance of details.
Great details in the carving Ron. I'll be following along.

Main Street to the Mountains

Looking good Ron - parchment fold is next on my list of things to try, I'll get around to linen fold sometime after that.
Nice! I like your woodworking set up. I'm looking forward to seeing the final product!

No name noobie here

Thank you all for the kind comments. Right after snapping the last photo, I received a jury summons in the mail! So between being on call for jury duty and the storms working their way across the South, my progress may be slower than I would like.

Knowing how to use a tool is more important than the tool in and of itself. - Ron Aylor