"The Pottzy"... now that’s puzzling to the extreme.

Boy and Girls,
You guys thought COVID was pandemic… just wait for the inundation of migrated puzzles I previously posted at LJ and previously chose not to unleash on the unsuspecting founding CN'ers..
Bet he thought he could hide, but like those "silent but deadly"… they follow you around till the surrounding companions draw their last breath. 
This potential mass production graced LJ’s pages this one graced their pages on 4th April 2022 under the tag of, 
where it missed the Christmas prezzie period, so I'm sneaking it in to accompany the other stocking filler I previously posted.
Why call it “The Pottzy”?  Simple… err… I mean, it is simple, fat and goes around in circles.
Boy and Girls,
I was going to keep this under wraps as it's only another laser cut MDF puzzle, but that horny little devil on my shoulder
got the better of me.
This puzzle is dedicated to my buddy pottzy … not purely because he is such an inspiration to me, but primarily because of his dedicated love of puzzles. 
I promised him an homage, and I could not live with myself if I failed to deliver.
The puzzle was plagiarised from the Sphere Puzzle by Steve Good, however, I wasn't happy with such a boring name and decided to rebrand it "The Pottzy"… with the intention of bowling him a maiden over (Aussie cricket term)… due to his secondary love of turning bowels.
Contrary to what everyone says, it's not a stupid puzzle and though it's similar in looks to my Luban Puzzle its simplicity is in its humble 3 pieces (vs 6 for the other) and not in its inherited evolution and naming rights.
The lines are clean and there is no layering of shapes making it a fairly straight forward build using conventional tools… however, I'm not conventional.
Imported into CorelDraw and resized to a 6mm base (single layer),
followed my standard transgression through the laser software, to the assembly table… which finally culminated in bagging them… at least for the small ones.
Created out of left over MDF (not scraps),
grouped for packaging,
and finally have to find 30 stranger potsies (as if potsies aren't already strange),
to give these out to.
Bet yazall thought that lasering was just a simpleton's stroll in the park… no way hoesay, its a slug through a quagmire with thongs on (your feet)!
I was complacent by the fact that it is not designed to instil sleepless night on potential solvers, but simple enough for kiddies, above "swallowing" age, to experience a euphoric feeling like that of a warm leak in a wetsuit.
Again, this was another ideal freebie puzzle as it is small, few pieces and can easily be produced, with packaging the only additional intervention… of course it does involve the traditional Spoiler slip of paper.
of which the solution I'm hiding so the curious ones will look at the solution video.
Being small, I thought it would lose its monumental identity  in my Puzzle Cabinet, I decided to give it a pottzy esque proportion by upping it size to a more realistic lifelike stature.
Upped the size by x2,
cut out 2 sets,
and reverted to my dowel alignment method for lamination/alignment,
Anyone interested, files can be accessed at this link.
It can be created using the downloaded PDF as templates using basic conventional tools… holesaw would be useful and the drill hole in one of the pieces plugged with a dowel… the dowel suggested only to strengthen the middle as it would be hidden when assembled.
Better still, patronise Steve and download from his link (way above) if you aren't going to CNC or laser.
In my solution video I made an attempt at making one out of solids, however, if you are bored and want to see someone make a fool out of themselves, I went through the motions till the end where I broke a piece off and was too bloody lazy to remake.
Keep safe, jocks... and your jocks, safe!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD


Another solid offering

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Your write ups are always great! Thanks for taking the time. Looks like a fun project!
Well done, just like the others this am you posted.  


oh geez i thought that was a thing of the past, yet it still haunts me ! ☠👻 im honored, i guess 🙄

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Nice, might have to try it with solid timbers. 
I didn't know Pottz was shaped like humpty dumpty
Barbaric I tell ya!

The wafting smoke from MDF coursing through town must trigger memories like a bakery firing up in the early am. for all the villagers.

Keep 'em coming!
Pretty cool, Alex....nice personal puzzle for Pottzy!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

he did it because i always tease him about his puzzles and he teases me about turning bowls !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Thanks guys, FAIW most recipients appreciate them... and not only because they're free (though that may be 99% of the pleasure)... but some actually pass them around amongst family/friends.

 commented about 7 hours ago
Barbaric I tell ya!

The wafting smoke from MDF coursing through town must trigger memories like a bakery firing up in the early am. for all the villagers. 

hell, only in the bedroom... Don't know why the missus always has headaches,,,

Back to the topic, and for the political activists out there, no-one was harmed in the above take...
That is why I invested a small fortune into my Atmos filter,

to keep the surroundings relatively "safe" from polutants.  Unfortunately for my wallet, but fortunately for health, just the filter consumables cost more than many smaller lasers.

 commented 9 minutes ago
he did it because i always tease him about his puzzles and he teases me about turning bowls !

Like the way you perpetuate your lies...
I still hate bowls, however, I hear you're a closet puzzle muncher.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

rumors duckie, all rumors !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.