Wooden Knot Puzzle


Boys and Girls,

Due to popular annoyance, I have desisted in bringing across my puzzles from LJ to here.  However, I get the inkling that there may be someone lurking in the background that might show a minute interest… so blame him/her/it/non for what may turn into a mass migration of puzzles over here.
This puzzle was first posted at LJ on Oct 10, 2020 titled, 
   Yeah, yeah... another "inappropriate" Laser Puzzle
however, I have migrated it across so you don't have to go and bolster their statistics.
It was created out of MDF on the laser, however, it was plagiarised from C125, who did it out of solids.
Files I used can be accessed at my cloud storage here.
(Freebie Inkscape will read .CDR (CorelDraw) files for vector diagrams.)

Boys and Girls,
I tried to warn you in the title, so all you masochists read on.
Looks like this bloody C19 has taken another scalp… and this time literally.
After 6 months of hibernating with the compliments of self-isolation, it was costing me a small fortune in hair shampoo per wash and decided it was time to get some red on my neck from the sun (I live with the 'billies of downtown Churchill)
To cut a long story short, the lady-barber's hubby just inherited a new used laser without instructions. During the mandatory hairy/client conversation, one thing led to another and after my ears were put back on, I bestowed upon her and hubby an open invitation to my place for some "basic lasering education".
Was lying in bed one Sunday morning and my talking doorbell announced a visitor(s)…
No such thing as a Duck's tail without digression... 
For all those out there thinking I'm a overly security conscious with two locks… wrong, only a tad.  The digital doesn't lock from the inside which is not ideal when away from home for prolonged periods… if we ever get a vaccine. Now back to the topic…
Expecting a Jo'Vi' (remember, doorbell ringing), I had my string of garlic around the neck and dressed in my Satanic jocks with horns, I answered the door.
It turned out to be my hair-cutter and her hubby… cannot call her a hairdresser as all she did was give me a #3 buzz cut… that should prepare me for another 3 more waves of C19
Unfortunately I couldn't refuse entry as she had a key to my front door… a cask of cheap vino
Still keeping to the short story, they were attracted to my laser cut puzzles and ever obliging, thought we'd spend the day going through my go-to-whoa routine.
To my surprise, the hubby had a working knowledge of SketchUp, it's a

… small world.
I decided on a low number of pieces puzzle so as not to overly intimidate them, however, didn't want to duplicate any existing puzzles… boring!
I don't know why, but somehow I gravitated to  corelz125's projects as I had already plagiarised one of his items and came across his Little puzzle box, which I ignored, but it had a link to the original URL, which I also ignored, but eventually found this puzzle.
By this time the cask of vino was quickly depleting and the sun started to set over the meter arm (no imperial here)… so I bid them a French Moses (ajew) and promised to follow it up.
Now… some day(s) later… We have this follow up…
Imported the drawing into SketchUp
which I trace over,
and created the 3D puzzle,
Note, the 6mm MDF was laminated (using alignment dowels) as my laser cannot cut 12mm MDF.
Followed the bouncing ball through to the laser,
before taking the pieces down to the workshop (ok. eagle eyes, above pic already in the 'shop)
To prepare for the glue-up, I needed some dowels and rather than Manwell, I turned to Otto and cut the dowels on my cordless bandsaw
and using them, laminated
flush cut the dowel ends,
Some weren't that flush, so they were chiselled,
Off to my upside down ROS… No, not cause I'm in Australia (and it's NOT a bloody upside down picture), mounted in the vice for easier sanding,
Can't blame c125 as he only led me to the site, but that mongrel author (not c125) could not make me solve it as he had no instructions posted…
For a 3 piece puzzle, what I thought would be a 1 minute exercise, turned into an embarrasing 15 minute battle,
 but I
eventually Rocky'd it,
Off to the buffer and went through my traditional tripoli, white diamond and carnauba wax cycles. The first two waxes have cutting compounds in them so the further polished the MDF pieces and the last wax gave it a brilliant shine… sheer laziness precluded me from tung oiling it, which I sometimes do prior to waxing.
No sooner had I finished, I had an impromptu visit from the hubby who left me another cask of cheapo vino and walked out with two of the puzzles… I think I lost out on that deal but after the cask… I didn't care.
Over the last few days they have been walking out the door (I've already made 11 of 'em)… shit when lockdown ceases people might even come and pick them up. Hell, I've had very few visitors lately and have 5 left with 7 already earmarked… why weren't my other puzzles so popular… this C19 must be making people bonko!
As promised to my guests, I made a video of the process (after the laser cutting).  If anyone is interested in the SketchUp model or PDF of measurements, you'll just have to go to the video (and give me a another view stat) and get to it in the comments.
This project is ideal for CNC work (as all my other puzzles) and can also be relatively easily scrolled… however, if scrolling you may need to do some filing (can cut a tad oversize for caution) as co-ordinated fit is optimum. Though it can be smaller, however, a loose fit is hard to keep intact.
Keep safe jocks… (or knickers)… or should that have been… keep safe, jocks!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Also a good one!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

like this one the best.   all are great.  
