Dr. Quackner Saves The Morning By Making A Coffee Drip Cone Faster

Like millions of Americans that need a boost in the morning to start their day, so do I.

I use a cone to brew my coffee. It’s one of the fastest, freshest and economical ways to brew it.

I’ve noticed that some filters produce a small stream or only a drip like the one below.

I decided to fix that. Here’s  how I accomplish it.
I drilled to small pilot holes on each side of the center hole. 
I then drilled them out with a 15/64” bit from the inside. Smaller bits can be used.

Here I’m filling off the small burrs with a small round file. 

I works great and takes less than half the time to brew. 

Some will probably say it’s brewing to fast. I have 3 of these cones and tested different size holes and this size works the best for me and it doesn’t taste like the paper filter. 

I know there’s a Curmudgeon alway lurking on this site that’s going to say this isn’t a wood project!  Let me stop you there negative Ned, look at the 3rd and 4th photos up, you’ll see I’m using a piece of wood as a sacrificial piece to protect my table. 
Trust me it really works. Why wouldn’t you trust a guy with a name like Dr. Quackner. 

This is my prescription for a tasty and quick cup of Joe. 😊 

Dr. Quackner


I can dig that mod!

I do the same thing with salt shakers. Humanity does not need to suffer with salt shakers that need excessive shaking!
nice but maybe when you have time you will post a "woodworking" project ? yeah im that "curmudgeon" !!! 😁

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

I’m not a Negative Ned.  I’m a Grumpy Gus.  Get it right.

BTW, the slower brew extracts more flavor.  You f*cked it up.

Half of what we read or hear about finishing is right. We just don’t know which half! — Bob Flexner

A friend James Mc. emailed me this message. Just thought you all would be interested in it.

Dr. Quackner

Nobody is.  Private messages are called such for a reason.
I don't like Snakes. 

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.

Looks like there are a couple of them.

Half of what we read or hear about finishing is right. We just don’t know which half! — Bob Flexner

you feel better now quack ? there is only one kind of person that posts pm's public, but i wont use that language here.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Yes. I’m always happy! You two are so amusing. You give me a good Laugh and I thank you for that. 

Thanks for all the comments here. I don’t remember ever saying a bad thing about any of the members here. 

Only that I’d don’t like Swastikas. And if you can justify them and paint one on your garage door that’s ok with me. 

Saint Francis of Assisi loved all gods creatures. 
I think he was on to something. We can all learn something from him. 

Dr. Quackner

Now there's one way to show your true colors.

 commented about 5 hours ago
A friend James Mc. emailed me this message. Just thought you all would be interested in it. 
lucky i save all my pm's. this was sent to drquakner 19 days ago, not to james. but what your lying about is you and james macintyre are the same person. you changed your sign on to quackner when rich exposed you for doing the same thing on LJ'S. you need to pick a name and stick with it. i see youve changed your avatar again too ! 

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

I changed the lead thumb nail photo for those who expressed Ophidiophobia.

Again I’ll like to thank all those who posted kind comments. I think there was one. I never though a coffee cone fix would attract so interest! 😃
My cat doesn’t like snakes either or Christmas trees. Or maybe she likes them to much. I had to explain to here it’s not a cat tree. 

On another note I noticed on my home page that I had 1 follower. Then I saw who it was. Jeez Louise! It’s Pottz! Get off my lawn! 😊 

Dr. Quackner

I guess it went over your head.

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.

Thanks for you comment Bently. Your probably a good guy. When your face to face with the person. 

An no you didn’t go over my head. I know exactly what you meant. I’m very disappointed in you. 

Bently don’t be the guy that jumps into a bar fight without knowing the history or the reasons why this activity is happening. I never said a discouraging word to or about you. 

Do you think I should tell you to get off my lawn until you stop 💩 on it?

Dr. Quackner

I'm crushed.
You were alright when you were James
Seems like now you just want to stir the pot.  
I can only suggest you go back to James and let the bygones be bygones.
PS,  Don't assume I don't know the history.

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.

You don’t have to know the history. Some actions speak volumes on their own.
hey i just thought you should have at least 1 follower ! like the old saying, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. and as far as snakes i dont fear em, i just cut their heads off 🤣

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

like bently said go back to the real person "james macintyre" and cut the nonsense and i think most will be willing to put this crap behind us and move on. your a decent woodworker and thats what this forum is about. so how about joining us ?

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Thanks for the comments  Corelz125 and Pottz. At least I’m generating comments. Your probably 2 nice guys or Wild and crazy Guys when you face to face with the person. 

I was wondering if you 2 could give my marvelous project a couple likes and tell all your friends about it.

I was looking on line and there are actually comments stating. “Why is my coffee drip cone so slow. Maybe Martin can post this on line to help these people with their pokey coffee cones.

Again thanks for all the attention and spicy comments.

And Pottz there’ll be no cutting heads off here. And why do you cut off snakes heads.

Corelz125. If you don’t know your history especially the bad parts your bound to repeat you mistakes.

I’ll be looking forward to more of you kind and generous comments.

Best Regards
Dr. Quackner.

Dr. Quackner

i like to think we are, and so is bentley. if your willing to be true to us all will be good ! this is a great forum with some of the most talented woodworkers you'll find anywhere. we'd love you to be a part of it. thats up to you ?

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.