How To Build A Clock From A Log Slice And A Rustic Background For It

My daughter in law gave me a log cutting board that they were using as a charcuterie board. It smelled really good until I used baking soda and vinegar on it.

The clock is about 14” in diameter and the rustic board background is 29” x 29”.

I added several coats of tung oil and that helped tamp down the cured meat odor.
Every time my cat passes by the clock she meows, looks up at it and licks her chops.

Using a small drill press to drill the clock stem hole. 
The clock movement-motor compartment was routed out with a 1/4” up cut bit. 
 A key hole bit was used to hang the clock. 

I had an old clock dial that I used to find where to place the numbers. If you don’t have one there are instructions online on how to do it. There is a 30 degree angle between numbers. 
Here I’m gluing the Roman Numerals on the face with Loctite Extreme Gel Glue.

It works great. It’s almost like a CA gel glue but you can reposition the numerals for up to five minutes with a total cure time of 24 hours.

It has a silicone caulking feel on your fingers but washes off easily with dishwashing liquid or any type of soap.

Thinking  rustic wood would  look nice for  the background I went to HD to rummage through the cull lumber (damaged lumber) and I found this 12’ x 6” piece of wood there. I went through checkout and they couldn’t find any barcodes on it so they gave it to me for free.
I was able to get 5 pieces approximately 6” wide by 29” long.

Then I sanded both sides with 80 grit on an orbital sander.
Fixing a large split in one board. 
With a gray acrylic wash I painted the face of the boards and  put them in the sun to dry. The board on the right was not painted yet to show the before and after effect. 
I used a #7 plane to joint the boards. If you’re interested in how to do this there is a good video by Paul Sellers on YouTube.

Below I’m using a biscuit joiner or plate jointer to help stabilize the boards after they’re glued.

The glue up.
The instructions above are so easy even  ( A Caveman) can do it. 

Remember all comments should be respectful and follow the Craftisian courtesy rules. I didn’t post these rules for everyone here. Most members are respectful of others. The ones who aren’t know who they are. 

Thanks for viewing my project and comments are welcome. 

Dr. Quackner


so you ask for respect after being disrespectful ? wow !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

It’s all in good humor. Buddy. 

Dr. Quackner

if you were a friend yes, which you are not. and im not your buddy ! it was meant as an insult, and you know it !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

He ain’t worth it Pottz; you know what is said about wrestling with a 🐖
Makes you wonder how he got himself banned from LJs.
well martin has been made aware of his "comments" and is working to help us out, or him hopefully ? i think ill forward this one to him also !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

pottz - at least you butted heads with him. I have no idea what I did! Care to fill me in Doc?

I did notice Pottz that you rescinded your following of me. What’s all the talk of keeping your enemies close and why am I your enemy!

You always have to do this to my projects. I never comment on any or yours  let alone say disparaging things on them. 

Some pigs are nicer than some humans and don’t have potty mouths. 

Oh boy they are coming out of the caves now. 

Steve R. You’re not the evil Steve. His handle is just Steve. You’re the nice Steve. 

Dr. Quackner

i wonder who steve is then ? 
quack if you hadn't insulted me i wouldn't have commented, but you just cant resist your childish comments. and why do you repost our comments ? everyone can see them without a reprint ! this isn't "romper room" it's a wood forum for mature people. grow up man !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Quack Boi is a douchebag, but I would never support his removal from the site.  He's got as much right to be here as anyone.

We don't need any sheriffs here.

Half of what we read or hear about finishing is right. We just don’t know which half! — Bob Flexner

so rich you consider him a D-bag yet support him being here ? i believe he's attacked you many times also. ?  now just because martin doesn't post rules doesn't mean he wants members attacking each other with nasty unprovoked comments ! we dont need or wont this kind of attitude we ? well maybe im asking the wrong person ? that question martin will answer ! good night kids !😘

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

so rich you consider him a D-bag yet support him being here ? i believe he's attacked you many times also.

Yeah, so?  We don't need enforcement—or enforcers—here.  Get the hint?  

So, the guy's a loser?  Big deal.  He's harmless.

Half of what we read or hear about finishing is right. We just don’t know which half! — Bob Flexner

My $0.02 is that this post was a well written, and very well done pic post for someone who was interested in making a Cookie clock, then all of this idiotic, juvenile, name calling popped up, and it looks just like a lot of other XYZ Woodworking sites. 

That is a shame. 

As many may know, I'm a fan of what, but moreso HOW!.  This serves it up in trumps... the non Biden derisive ones.

pottzy, you know I'll always have your back, but this is no better than my retorts to comments that have ocassionally delivered me a solid blow between the two big toes... those that you wisely try to throw a sponge over, and I (and most other viewers) greatly appreciate.

Good call GW, and for one of a few times, I cannot disagree with some of Rich's👍comments... no, no, no, I'm not offering an olive branch (BTW FyazallI, one that I refused in the past), but I just hope this does not escalate to my(/our) status and if it has or come close, let's not scare other visitors away... those that may actually bother to read the full blog, progress down to the comments and get the bjesus scared out of them from the infighting.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Isn't this a bitch. Rich, Me, and Alex the Duck all holding hands singing Kumbaya. LMAO as I write the "voices of reason" Not sure about Alex, he is a good guy, but I'm pretty sure Rich and I have been banned from more places than the rest of you.

As Uncle Louie used to say. "All, yall need to get straight or I might hafta get outta my chair and start an ass kickin party" Usually he would end it by spitting a huge Louie of backy juice.
Thanks for all the great comments 
It’s good to see there are some here who believe in the 1st amendment. Don’t know what free speech is called in Australia but Ducky gets it. 

Unlike those cry babies crying Boho “I’m telling Martin on you”. 

Dr. Quackner

And then some people don't understand when to put down that shovel. 

Sheesh, shakes head, walks away. 
Sounds like someone else is against free speech. And if you haven’t noticed this is my project. 

I always wondered and I think it’s a good time to ask, if you don’t mind. What’s with the mask?

Dr. Quackner

Coming from an immature duck...

and I don't hand these out lightly,

let sleeping

... as long as it's only dreaming and doesn't suddenly wake up with a taste of a plump plucked, without the "F", Black Swedish Hungarian duck.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Am I reading this right? Some are telling me to let sleeping dogs lie. 

How can the dogs keep sleeping if you keep telling him to let sleeping dogs lie? You’re not letting the tired dogs sleep by making all that racket. 

Does it seem contradictory to you? As always, comments are welcome. Even Parables about sleeping dogs. I think that’s what Ducky and the Masked Man were alluding to. 

Dr. Quackner