Dr. Quacker builds a cross for a fallen friend.

It’s Valentine’s Day and one of the squirrels named Starsky that lived in my neighborhood fell in love with a squirrel named Lola.

Unfortunately for him Cupid was hiding behind some bushes and aimed his arrow and hit him in the heart. He died and Lola said. What the hell did you do that for?! You naked freak!!! Then she wept.

That’s why you haven’t seen Cupid around  in the past. He was spending a lot of time in prison for murder.

I wrapped him in a biodegradable Panera bread bag and buried him in my backyard.

Starsky and Lola loved eating out at the Oak Tree Cafe.

Happy Valentine’s Day Starsky,
and may you rest in peace.

When the owners of the Oak Tree Cafe heard about what happened they sent over Starsky’s and Lola’s favorite table for a memorial.

Happy Valentine’s Day all. Keep out of the bushes today!
I couldn’t add a lap joint to the cross because the wood is so thin that it would break so I added two SS screws.

Got nuts?

Dr. Quackner


So did Lola attend the service or was she too upset with her loss.

Regards Rob

I always wondered why Cupid got away with shooting lovers in the heart with arrows. 

I wouldn’t have believed this happened without your medical assessment of it and your documentation. 
Thanks for the comments. 
Rob She showed up looking for his share of nuts for the pups and placed the dandelion at the grave site. 

Dr. Quackner

Could of at least used a little joinery for the cross. 
Ha ha ha! I’m mourning poor Starsky and your talking about Joinery, maybe I should have   Maybe I will. What’s  joinery? 🙄

Dr. Quackner

a "real" woodworker would know !😞

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

I’m new to woodworking and I’d like to ask that comments to be helpful and respectful. 

Dr. Quackner

im sure you are 🤥😏

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Half laps are an easy joint for beginners. I just usually shoot the squirrels off of my roof them throw them in the garbage pail.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Throw them away! Egad man, at least make some mittens or golf club covers!

T'would be neat to mount them like a deer on little plaques arrayed on your garage wall. Fair warning to all those who dare tread upon the roof>
Corelz where do you live that you can shoot critters off your roof? Does your roof leak?

Can you make me a half lap joint and mail it to me so I can install it?
I’ll pay the shipping. 

Dr. Quackner

Some did have nice fur on them but I don't wear mittens or play golf. 
I know how my scope is set on my long gun so I don't hit the roof. 
Wanna be a wood worker start to figure out how to cut a half lap.
ill do it for ya, just send me the cost for my time and material plus shipping and ill get it right out for ya.🤣
you wont learn how to do woodworking having someone else do it for ya ! 

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

If you go to Lowe's they give away little wood projects to kids to learn how to build some things out of wood. Find a little kid to pick you up one of those projects. Maybe you can glue together a nice little bird house.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Thanks to the silly advice. I had an uncle who enjoyed taking the lives of harmless small animals with a long gun. He died a horrible death. 

I never ask him how he felt after it or why he enjoyed doing it.  I was to young. 

Maybe you can answer the question. Corelz. Why do you enjoy it and how do you feel after you kill it?

In your mind what’s more fun killing the poor creature or throwing it in the garbage?

I think I know why. Your one of those guys that see something weaker than you and you exploit that  weaknesses to make you feel superior like your doing to me. 

Do You really think I’m a terrible wood worker? The truth is I could woodwork you and laughing boy under the bench. 

Dr. Quackner

It's a matter of them a nuisance and getting into the eaves of my roof. If they would of stayed in the trees they would still be alive. 
I guess you're a vegan and don't eat meat?
Fix your house! Put up screens. I love meat. I even ate squirrels when my psychopath
Uncle brought them home. My mom would cook them in a sauce until the meat fell from the bones. They were delicious.

We didn’t throw them in the garbage. Real meat eaters eat squirrels.

Dr. Quackner

your just a big bullshitter quack ! why cant you just be straight up and cut the nonsense man. so maybe you can post some of that incredible woodworking you do, im sure many here would love to see it ? time to walk the talk doc !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.