1 1/2' Hand carving

I am an artist and wood carver first and a woodworker second. This piece is 1 1/2 feet tall all hand carved piece called, "who took my horse". As you can see, he has a look on his face as his trusty horse is missing and the hitching post rope hangs straight down. The cowboy was carved from one piece of basswood. the saddle was carved separately and even the canteen was hand carved. Then sanded by hand and painted with acrylic paint. The base is teak. This was a commission piece for a lady that had more money than brains and I am glad she did.


We’re glad she commissioned you too.
It looks really fun 😎 
love it mr hood ! i wish i had the talent and patience to do carving like this. well done. need more pic's though ?

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Thanks Pottz. I sold it before I took more photos.
IT looks  great. I’d like to try carving someday. What tools do you use?

I hope the brainless rich chick doesn’t read your post. Wouldn’t be good for business. 
I used a band saw, carving knife, and my Fordum. She would never see my comment.
Wonderful work. I have a rotary tool with all the  accessories with that long cable thing  that attaches to the tool and all the bits. And small Japanese gouges, skewer knives and 2 Cherry carving knives. 

Do you think I could make something like yours these tools.

I’m glad that “more money than brains,” capitalistic pig rich chick has decided to share her free market earned wealth with you comrade. We’ll keep this on the down.

Dr. Quackner

 so quack your saying only someone stupid and "capitalistic pig rich" would buy his beautiful work ? maybe she had plenty to spend but id say it was a smart buy ! and how do you know how she earned her money  "comrade "?

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Nice work, Jerry. Looks like he just came off the range!!!

Cheers, Jim

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

This Cowfella is reminiscent of some other Cowfella's a guy used to carve at an old haunt of many of ours. Kinda Older, and having experienced a hard life, with a lot of stories to tell.  IOW a real interesting character, with the emphasis on Character. 
GR8 JOB 😍😎👍

next time more pics please


Thanks for all the nice words. Dr Quacker, you have what you need to do these type carvings. The only other thing you need is imagination, and any wood worker has that, so you are good to go. I would love to see your finished project. And, GR8HUNTER, I may have some photos of the process if I can find them. If I do, I will post them.
I was able to find only these photos of this carving.
i know one carver that buys the rough blank then does all the final finish carving. do you do that or do you start completely from scratch ?

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

I have done that with one other carving but most of the time I carve from a block of basswood. This guy was carved from one block of bass wood and then I needed to cut the arms off so I could carve the fingers and hands in the right direction so he could hold the saddle and rope. I also carve caricatures and if you look at the basswood behind the bottle that became the head of a cowboy sheriff. I will post that carving soon so you can see what it became.
Pottz, here is the carving I did from that block. head, upper body and hat were carved separate. After I got this done the sunglasses did not look right as there was not reflection in them, so I painted what he was looking at.
thats cool !
are you familiar with mpounders on LJ'S ? he does some real cool stuff. very whimsical !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

No, sorry, I don't know the guy. Just too many artists and carvers on the net. Have not seen his work.
His words Laughing Boy, not mine. You would think if you’re taking someone’s money you wouldn’t or shouldn’t insult them, by saying she has more money than brains. And for those that don’t know who laughing boy is it Pottz.

Laughing Boy. You shouldn’t let your hatred of DrQuackner spill onto others projects. 

Dr. Quackner