Custom US | Army Tattered Flag

My neighbor approached me about making him a custom flag to honor his father who served in the army. A lot of patience with masking and painting on this one. My first time doing it this way and it kind of looks 3D. Perhaps I’ll try doing a 3D wavy flag in the near future. 

J&S Wood Co


Nicely done! What are you using for coloring? Wood type(s)? Did you have any bleed issues?

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

The layout with the flag and name is really nice. Good looking work!
I used regular spray paint along with oramask 813 film on poplar wood. I always spray shellac before applying my colors to prevent bleed out. 
Thanks! I appreciate it. I think that was the perfect font as well to go along with the Army logo. 

J&S Wood Co

Beautiful and meaningful.
Thanks, Gary! I appreciate you.

J&S Wood Co

Nice job. I imagine your neighbor was happy. 
well done shiro. id be honored to do something like that for a vet. and i think you did him justice !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

That’s an awesome tribute for someone who deserves it, well done!
WOW! beautiful.  I  make military emblems  for veterans I meet.  Nothing that elaborate.   But I appreciate the gratitude  they express when they get one.  Yours has got to bring tears.  Even more than mine do!
God bless you guys for caring !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Thanks guys, I appreciate all your feedback!

J&S Wood Co

Really great work.  That is a terrific design and the execution is spot on.  This flag pays homage to one's selfless service and it is, in itself, a work of art and dignity. Well done!  
So far I have been enjoying the process of making these custom flags. I truly enjoy honoring those who continue to serve or have served at one point. 

J&S Wood Co

Shiro, I keep looking at your work here,  Would you mind if I used your idea to make one?  It will not be exactly like yours and will be for me.  But it will come from your idea.  Mine will have a Marine Corps emblem.

By all means, go for it! Whether it be similar or just something totally different, I would love to see what you come up with. I enjoy seeing the woodworking community sharing similar projects but with different techniques. I look forward to seeing your results. Have a great weekend!

J&S Wood Co

That looks fantastic.  A really nice design and looks to be perfectly executed.
Thanks Swirt, I appreciate it. 

J&S Wood Co