Walnut & Maple Valet Tray

After visiting my son in college, I kept seeing his catch all tray and it really drew my attention. It was just too plain and dull, and really tacky. So on the next visit I surprised him with this tray. 

J&S Wood Co


Another nice CNC piece. Every young man should have a valet to carry with him through life. 

Is the monogram laser erected or CNC and filled? Finish scheduled?

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Indeed, indeed! The monogram is laser engraved. It was a coincidence that I was going to make one for myself but after visiting my son, I figured he needed it more than me. 😂

J&S Wood Co

What laser are you using? There’s a new forum thread specific to lasers that just opened up here. Feel free to chime in on it!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Nice work on the tray, the son should be happy with that.   


Ryan, I use a Laser Tree on a Masuter Pro frame. 
Laser Tree: https://a.co/d/dQASMLe
Ron, he’s definitely happy about his tray. 

J&S Wood Co

How do you like that laser head? I’ve heard good reviews about the company. What wattage is yours?

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

It’s worked for me so far for the projects I do. Laser tree: https://a.co/d/iG5HHvp This laser module has 80W machine power and real 10W optical laser power output.

J&S Wood Co

That's one nice tray! Can't miss with walnut and maple. I should ask my sons what they wood like. I have a lot of wood around here that needs using up.

Steven- Random Orbital Nailer

Nice design and wood selection. It looks great!
Great looking tray!   A major step up from the plastic one. 
Nice tray. I was wondering if it was a router dish, or CNC to remove the bulk. Ryan's comment put that to bed.

I am the Laser noobie hoping to gain as much info and understanding as I can get from real users. The thread Ryan mentioned is found here.   I and possibly a lot of other lurker readers would be interested in the why you decided on the Laser Tree. Thoughts on if you feel the 10 watt was the right choice, and what software you are using. Pretty much hoping to get a moveable brain drain about Laser woodworking. It's such a fluid subject what with all of the growth, so it's possible if it gets going it could end up being informational for users as well as Laser noobs like me. This is my hope anyhow.