Long handled coffee scoops

Because coffee scoops should have long handles if you use bags of coffee!

Most of the time I see these scoops built with short handles. I suspect the ads showing short handles for projects are to get people to buy pen blanks for other purposes.
 This project is of one of those where I forgot to take any final pictures before I gave them all away. Recently I got a chance to take a shot of ours plus one I gave away. I did have a few shots from the build.
 The wood is maple from a tree we took down several years ago. The shapes are inspired from the wands of Harry Potter characters.
 The handles range in length from 7 to 9 inches. 7 inches is a little short if you want to keep from reaching into the bag at all. I think 10 inches would not be too long…
 The handles were stained with Transtint dyes and finished with water based polyurethane. I applied 3 or 4 colors of stain - starting with black and then adding 2 or three progressively lighter tints. Sanding after each layer creates lighter areas to allow the lighter colors to appear. I liked the outcome and will attempt it again if I get the chance.
 If I were to do these again I would focus on handle lengths of 8 to 10 inches and use a 2 tablespoon size scoop. The 1 tablespoon size scoop is available from several sources – I got mine from Rockler. I have seen the 2 tablespoon size scoop at Penn State. We end up using 2 or more scoops with the 1 tablespoon version.

Update: I thought I would add that a friend of our saw these and asked for one. Since I already had a few extra scoops I was able to make one in just over an hour and she could take it home with her!

2nd Update: Whenever I see someone selling coffee scoops in a market I offer up the idea of long handles. I always get an appreciative response but I haven't seen any long handles yet 😀


Nice workmanship Steve, ability to get the last of the caffeinated goodness from a standard bag is something everyone needs! ☕️

The dye job really does wonders making the features of each wood come alive!
Looks good.  Be good for my morning chicory coffee.


Very nice

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Great idea Steve!  I wouldn’t have to keep trimming my bags down as I empty them so I can get to the coffee in the bottom.  Really nice shapes too.
Wow Steve, that is very well designed...I love it...I know zero about anything to do with coffee, but the design, lathe work and finish are great


Thanks for the comments!
Mike - I didn't start drinking coffee until I was 51 - and I still prefer decaf. I'm not one who needs stimulants😀
They sure look good! Never got into turning other than a couple of standard bowls I made at school over 50 years ago......
I’d never had coffee before the Army. Drank that for two years before I had actual non-army coffee and learned it’s not actually supposed to take like turpentine… can’t live without it now. 20+ years at a firehouse reinforces that pretty well…

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Yeah Ryan, I have friends that say the same thing.
handy item to have around a very project thanks for sharing GR8 JOB 😍😎👍