Dust collector garbage bag holder

I use heavy-duty garbage bags (designed for a trash compactor) to empty my dust collector into. Nothing worse than having a bag spring a leak and start spraying dust all over the shop a guy just cleaned up.

Anyway, I got some water in the shop a couple weeks ago from a storm with a strong east wind that pushed the rain under the shop door. It puddled right where the box of garbage bags was sitting on the floor, and the cardboard box turned to soup.

So I made a box. This started as a single board of 5/4 oak. I resawed it and planed it to half-inch and made a dovetailed box. Drilled a couple half-inch holes, then made some half-inch ash rods (Stanley 77 to make the ⅝” squares to rounds, then a rounding plane to reduce them to half inch), threaded them, and made a stack of walnut nuts from a 3 inch cube (drill holes at the corners with a forstner bit, then drill a 7/16 center hole, put it between centers on the lathe and make it round, then cut it into four half-inch thick knobs on the bandsaw, then thread the central holes). Was good practice making threaded rods and matching nuts for some future project. Remember to soak ring-porous woods in BLO the day before you’re going to try and thread them, it’ll work a lot better. Walnut works ok with no prep.

The back is three ship-lapped smaller pieces of oak cut from the same board, nailed on.

The box holds two rolls of garbage bags, which is how the compactor bags come.

The oak box is painted with Real Milk Paint Granny Smith Green. It’ll get another coat of tung oil over the paint after it’s had a few days to dry and I rub the paint with some 0000 steel wool.

May you have the day you deserve!



Great dust collector bag holder.  The dovetail joints are a bonus.

daveg, SW Washington & AZ

Nicely done!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Looks like a load of garbage to me!   ....(snicker snicker)

I might have to look at getting some!

Regards Rob

Nice!! I just have mine in a box and now that seems so wrong!
very nice ans always know where they are GR8 JOB 😍😎👍


Thanks, folks!

Barb, it’s even worse once that box gets soaked by rain and turns to soup. ;-)

May you have the day you deserve!

Barb, it’s even worse once that box gets soaked by rain and turns to soup. ;-)
Haha...it's on a shelf so I guess I'm safe for now!  Wanting to step back and do some reorganization in the shop so this is a good idea to add to my mental list.
Nice idea and great execution Dave, very handy. Fun project, involves many different techniques & methods of woodworking. 
I am in the middle of a bookcase project, very large and taking a long time. Projects like this, fun and with a quick return of satisfaction for completion, are what I seem to desire more and more anymore. 

Small and quick projects like this are a nice palate cleanser between bigger projects, but they’re also handy for trying out techniques, like threading screws, which might be needed in future projects.

May you have the day you deserve!

Nice box! I dump my Dust Deputy into the regular trash, outside. I don't like all that dust poofing up, either.

Steven- Random Orbital Nailer

Yeah. I’ve got the super (4 inch, with a 15 gallon drum) so when full, it can be a lot to tote outside. The compactor bags I buy fit over the top of the barrel and then I can invert it all and get the dust transferred without TOO much mess.

May you have the day you deserve!

Good solution, Dave. Necessity is the mother of invention all the time!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

Thanks, Jim!

May you have the day you deserve!