Small Box - pyrography ( not laser)

Copied over from other site. Build  Dec 2021

Project Information

Had a request for a pyrography piece for Christmas from the oldest granddaughter. The subject (Draco) was her request as well. 
I decided to incorporate the pyrography into a box lid, rather than a piece to hang on the wall.

5"x8" maple box. Lid is a friction fit on the end grain.
Good work Dan!
Pictures are a bit blurry, but a good artist can capture more contrast and shading gradients than a laser.
Best thing is you just sit down and do it, no running 10 test pieces trying to adjust the laser.

She's going to be quite pleased 👍
beautiful work dan. were the pic's blurred on lj's too ? 

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Thanks all.

I’ve reloaded the pics to get better resolution.