Pandora’s Box

Boys and Girls,
In memory of my dearly departed,

Hard to imagine that was over 12 months ago… RIP(ped), and Galery picture #6 was created circa Nov 2022.
I promoted this above the other 20+ other puzzles treading water in the “2B posted Q”
Some non-WOKErs  have suggested calling this Marilyn’s Jugs, but where I found it on the Internet, it was called Pandora’s Box, so it stuck… (an old “M” rated Dad Joke).
This is one of my favourite puzzles… not because it’s complex (it is), but because of what I had to work with, and then try to reverse engineer it to solve it so I could get a working version of it to import into SketchUp and provide a presentable solutions… it helped one viewer of my video... which goes to prove at least one person watched it.
I was still laden down with my dodgy left arm when LJ did their upgrade wobbly, so it never got published 
(in the background emenating from LJ).
… so bear with me as I try to reword my original draft to fit in with my current foibles here at Craftisian, without having to drastically rewrite/censor it.  
Consider the following prose in the past tense.

Most of my latest projects have been laser cut puzzles.  I appreciate that puzzles are not everyone’s cuppa-tea and concede that lasering/CNCing is frowned upon by many self-professed woodworking masters.  Consequently I have held back, however, I appreciate there may be a few people out there that might be interested in making some puzzles for a late rush Christmas prezzie, so why not let my hair down.
The puzzle was downloaded from the Internet and plagiarised from this solid timber sample
and this metal one,
and I blundered across the following hieroglyphic “solution”,
written by Nefertiti’s left sucker before presenting it to Moses as the 3rd tablet
With some clever reverse engineering, I managed to import it into SketchUp and after many hours of trial and error, I finished up with a model that actually worked.  Then it was through the software shuffle to the laser, and in the warmth of my office, it was glued/laminated and boxed.
My first attempt was a skinny one (2x6mm laminations, 24mm wide) which basically diverted from the Burr concept,
which is based on “cube” shapes, so it was back to SketchUp to redesign the pieces,
(the numbers are for solution purposes), and I had to redo the containing Box,
while the rest got the traditional “cube” dimensions (24mm³),
Unfortunately, I was a bit tight on my film so there is a sad lack of build happy snaps. Just a couple of the "black box" (MDF) build. 
The box was cut out of 6mm MDF,
and a belated snap of the one with the peek-a-boo 5mm Perspex lid,
The pieces were laminated out of 4x6mm MDF,

aligned using 4mm dowels.
This is another puzzle that the solution was impractical on the included slip of paper,

So a secondary puzzle was to enter the URL correct(orange circled) to get onto the appropriate WEB page for the real solution.
The actual SU model will show the solution one step at a time per scene, eg.
You can watch this SU exported animation video,

... keep an eye out for the climatic blueanimal nightie reveal… dates the video (RIPped)… also my live hack,

As always, all the files can be accessed by this link(, which is the URL on the solution paper included with the puzzle… one helluva string to type right.. right?.
Alternatively the model can be viewed/downloaded for the 3DW at,

Without any further troubles and/or misfortunes, I shall now close this Pandora’s Box.

Don’t be crafty  Craftisians,... SHARE  your craft!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Each one of these puzzles is interesting. Someday I might have to make one.

 Steve Rasmussen 
.... Someday I might have to make one.

Thx, however, watch who you might give one to... they'll either hate you, or expect a bottomless pit (variety supply).

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Nice work, Alex...but they drive me nuts!!! I have one I made and I can't get it open now!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

Interesting as usual.   like this better than most.   No reason.


Certainly and interesting puzzle 'cube', and a big wow for working out the design. A exceptional piece of CAD and Cam.  But does it have space to hold anything in it?
Thx Guy... 

Madburg, only the hot air if the solver is successful.

....  like this better than most.   No reason.

Bet it's the animal nightie.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Wow took me a bit to get here but all the same I am here!

Regards Rob

 commented 24 minutes ago
Wow took me a bit to get here but all the same I am here!

Too busy playing Nadia?

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD