Japanese Saw (Carpenters) scabbard.

Boys and Girls,

No matter how hard I try, I just can’t seem to get away from puzzles!

No..., this is not a puzzle, but it was instigated by me making another one.  I decided to post this before the culprit shows its face here under the guise of a project.
While doing my latest puzzle (to be published later… YAY!) I had the need to use my larger Japanese Saw… I believe it is called a Japanese Universal Carpenters Saw, at least in Aussie speak.
While the name doesn’t really matter, the fact that the paper scabbard disintegrated did,  
I’m not one to immediately reach for my namesake, the duck tape, I remembered the scabbard I made for my smaller Japanese saw, (I apologise to those sensitive people offended by my previous abbreviation of the name, both here and LJ’s… nevertheless the full name is justified here as it is a much BIGger saw.)

I didn’t want to re-invent the wheel, but did choose to re-invent this box/scabbard.
The project started off with a photo of the saw that was imported into SketchUp,
re-sized to the correct length and traced over using guide lines to get the form,
then it was a simple case of designing each layer (bottom, cradle, top)
for eventual progression to the laser.
While lingering about in CorelDraw, I thought that after a few vinos, I might mistake the handle of the saw for a nail gun, so I decided to design an engraving of a facsimile of the saw on the front of the scabbard. This was done by importing a photo off the Internet and converting it to a laserable B&W vector diagram,
which came to life on the laser
to be backfilled with ebony Timbermate.
While in Coreldraw I set up a job to cut out some lining from self-adhesive felt on my laser,
though I must admit I hate red felt (and/or red flock) for lining, to enhance my builds… while it may hide any accidental blood spilt during construction, but in the same vein (pun intended), because of that same concealment, one might bleed out before dialling 000 (or 911 in Yankeeland).
Not much to the glue up,
and tested for fit of lid,
Down to the workshop for sanding and buffing… after the sensual buffing, it was intimately felt up,
and the swinging top secured to the body.
Damn it all, the last time I played chess was about 20 years ago and I no longer plan 30 steps ahead anymore… didn’t allow for the swing of the top against the handle,
Had to do a bit of quick sanding… lucky I had set up my sander on the lathe for another puzzle (yay).  Rounded it over to clear the handle
and a dab of Japanese black stain covered up the revealed raw MDF,
Those lack of planned ahead chess moves, did another gotcha on me… I tried to hang the scabbard with a 6mm hole over a ¼” dowel… what maniac dares to sell imperial timber in Aussieland?... probably a Yankee tourist importing contaband for ex-pat Yanks that have escaped from the 5th. November 2024 elections. 
Extended the hole to 7mm
and the saw now rest safely with all the others,
Hell, what other nitwit has more than one handsaw?… 
maybe two, one for each hand, but more than that… Gomorrah
Nevertheless I can sleep peacefully with my CPAP at ½ speed,

as I prefer to use my TS/BS/MS for cutting timber… anything but a handtool.

The end
------------------------------------- ooooOOOOO The End OOOOOooooo -----------------------------------------
Don’t be crafty  Craftisians,... SHARE  your craft!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD


a handy dandy scabbard Ducky.  

Hell, what other nitwit has more than one handsaw?… 

I didn't bother to go out and count but from memory I have 3 unopened Kerwins, 1 opened and 4 bonafied Japanese hand saws ( that are probably made in China) that are laying in the drawer getting banged around
Actually Recycle, if one can call an elbow a hand... actually it's half way between my elbow and my hand so lets ÷ by 2... I've had plenty of handsores,

and if I counted all my scars, they may be in the hundreds. 

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Very nice custom scabbard. I need to make something like that for my Henry Golden boy with the big scope on it !!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

Nicely done ducky. And velvet lined no less!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

And I had an image in my mind, LBD swashbuckling his way through the outback,like a Samurai and his trusty katana

I should be shamed into doing likewise,but no

but I still like it. Nice work

Hey, you don't know me, but you don't like me ... Buck Owens

Nice work. That MDF looks like it's made from figured maple dust as well!


Nice job Duck.

I don't know how to break this to you, but the picture is backwards, that's gonna hit you in the OCD 🤔
I like it Ducky. I have a Japanese saw that folds like a jack knife. Can your case be hung on the wall?

Dr. Quackner

I don't know how to break this to you, but the picture is backwards, that's gonna hit you in the OCD 🤔
hanks all.

Unfortunately the engraving was from a picture I downloaded from the net... If I turned it the writing would be upside down and not being dyslexic I couldn't read it and if I rotated it180° it'd might fall out of the scabbard.

 commented about 6 hours ago
..... Can your case be hung on the wall?

Being a handtool, you'd think it wasn't a hanging offence... but it is,

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Nice work there LBD
makes me want to nip out and buy a bigger one
I do have a thumb saw

Regards Rob

You could have tucked that hanging flesh in... gonna interfere with feeling smoothness of sanding.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Good scabbard, I like the idea of the sliding cover. Good job !!!
Nice scabbard, should protect the saw nicely. As for the lack of thinking ahead, happens to us all, especially me. Wouldn't be fun doing woodworking otherwise.

Regarding your comment:  Yanks that have escaped from the 5th. November 2024 elections., I laughed my a%$ off, you have no idea how bad the continuous ads have become, can't avoid them, not even on YouTube, and they're nothing but obvious lies. That's the American way, at least it is for politicians. 
"How bad the continuous ads have become"????.... gimme a break, I live 15,000km away and get fed the same ads... though it makes me appreciate our local ads.... murders now get a back page in our newspapers and TV coverage.

You guys are lucky Ot...  We here in Aussieland have compulsory voting... when our politick(uns) inevitably go pear shaped, we've only ourselves to blame as we voted them in... and we did it wrong... you guys can always blame the other idiots and call yourselves Puntius Pilate....

Why do we vote for people with alzheimer's? Every time they get voted in, they always forget the promises they made to get them there.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

I would have thought the boneheads we nominate to run the country and state would think things through before making promises, and have enough resources behind the promises to follow it through to completion.

NEWS now the covit inquiry has concluded one of the outcomes is:-
wait for it ... we wont call it that again! Oh come on do you really think we will swallow it a second time around even if it has a different name... hell no!   in fact it reeks of the Y2K virus scare which amounted to Zip apart from lining the pockets of ITites instead of Drug Companies

Regards Rob

Your're the one who voted them in RC... the one I always vote for never gets in... I'm still retired and can't get that parliamentary pension.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

You guys are assuming politicians are in the game to make change. They’re in the game…to stay in the game. Nothing more. It’s a business, if they change it, they might not like the outcome. Status quo keeps them making money…and it’s lot of money. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".