Boys and Girls,
I posted this project at LJ in Aug, 2020. It may have been after a big Fe$tool purchase as from the length of it, I must have been lost for words… or too busy playing with the new toy in the workshop.
Never made too many of them as only a very few of my friends could afford notes and they didn’t hold small denomination coins too well.
This one I made for a close friend,
who got arrested for walking into a bank sometime in October 2019 with a mask on, claiming it was because of C19… he needed free notes to pack out the clip.
While cash is on the decline, you can clip your credit cards together with these.
----------------------------------------- ooooOOOO From LJ OOOOooooo ---------------------------------------------
Boys and Girls,
It's house-keeping in the LBD household, however, I will keep this short, if not necessarily sweet.
It comprises of a jarrah disc and two letters laser cut/inlaid in the disc. The letter K is out of merbau and the A is out of pine… only cause I couldn't spell LBD.
With the onset of C19, we are quickly turning into a cashless society and I am just wondering if anyone out there hasn't realised this swing and brags the initials of AK... There might be a money clip up for grabs.
Other than the gallery photos, I'm not going into any more detail as I don't believe it's shelf life is beyond a collector's item classification.
PS. Before being accused of being a RF (rich fu bugger)... pictures #1 and #2 are a before and after depiction of my unplanned retirement. Picture #2 is a print on the back of a punched card (some people may remember them and for those that can't, some museums may still carry them).
----------------------------------------- ooooOOOO The End OOOOooooo ---------------------------------------------
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