Simple Router Table

My kids gave me a Milescraft sign making kit for Christmas so I made a simple router table from scrap wood.  It’s very basic but works well.  I’ll be adding some extra features to it as well as some safety items.  I plan to use it primarily for outside trim on signs.  I need to figure out how to add a movable fence and some starter pins.
Nice gift from your kids! 

And, welcome to Craftisian!
That's a good size for a bench top and trim router! It'll cover a huge percentage of your routing needs.

Looks good. Welcome! How did you brace up the corners?

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

thats a good way to get started but i can see something a little more advanced in your future. glad to have you with us dave.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Welcome Dave...

It's great to see someone actually make a workshop item out of real scraps rather than the exotics I often see adorn many workshops... though they all claim it not ego but honing their skills... though I've been guilty... ego.

You'll get some great advice from the members here and how you shouldn't have done it from me.  Tell us a bit about yourself in your profile and if your not on the FBI/CIA list or game, maybe an entry here.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Hi Dave and welcome to Craftisian! Nice job on the router table.

My first router table was similar to yours in that I built it from what I had. I added a couple slots and a 2x4 for a fence. I figured it was good enough for the short term and I would build a nicer one later.

I did build a nicer  one - but only after nearly 30 years. It turns out you can to a lot with a simple router table. 😁
Good work. If you want to make an adjustable fence, here’s  one from lee valley you can copy. You can cut slots in you table top with your router but you’ll have to move you router forward and build a new fence. 

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