New mailbox post

Still migrating old stuff over.

 When the old post began to look shabby, I designed this to look a little different from the others on the street. The numbers are relief carved with the router.
 The first problem was finding a 4×6 at Home Depot that was not cracked; then allowing it to dry in the basement for 2 months before beginning. Many of the pieces in both their and Lowe's inventory were literally dripping wet. I coated the ends with wood restorer to stop drying from the ends and checking. BTW, you can make this stuff by dissolving a piece of plexiglas in acetone - cost is about 1/4 that of a can of the branded stuff.
 Fitting the brace into the mortises in the post and arm was a real pain due to the rigidity of those members - it took forcing both tenons and the cross joint simultaneously - and I do mean force ! 

Carey Mitchell

Very nice.Cabbots White stain?

I used that up north on the post in front of our home.  20+ years still looks good.
