Garden Bench (New Life)

This is a bench that I refurbished using 4/4 Cypress to replace the seat and back. The orginal back was a vinly so that had to be replaced and I was up to the task. Now this is sitting outside the back porch to enjoy the morning sun drinking coffee and watching the birds.

Thanks for looking and comments are always welcome.

This catches me up on projects during my hiatus. 

Main Street to the Mountains


Nice before and after comparison!  Looks great.  Enjoy!!
Refurbished looks a lot !ore comfortable.   Better looking also.  Nicely done.


Cypress looks good and functional! Great project. 

No name noobie here

Wow, what a nice transformation! 
Barb, thanks. We enjoy it in the mornings with coffee. Now I need a couple of small tables to flank the ends of the bench.

Ron, thanks. It is comfortable, a tad bit low for me, but I like it.

Yrti, thanks. Cypress is nice to work with too, straight grained. And I found a supplier close by with good prices.

Ron S. thanks. The old owner was amazed. I offered to pay for the old one, after it was seen, it's like dang I have have collected. Too Late, Oh So Sorry. Not.

Main Street to the Mountains

yeah that old was was a wee bit weathered id say. and it gives you another project !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Pottz, thanks. And yes it was.

Main Street to the Mountains

Very nice work Eric, looks like new.
Looks very sturdy and stable, recycle & reuse. Enjoy your coffee. Snowed here yesterday, less than 10mm but I'm still at least a month away from my morning tea and bench time. I'll have to keep my eye out for some cypress.

Some of my most creative moments have been when I've had to cover up an error in my woodworking.

Looks real good....good for another 100 years!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

OldTool, thanks. 

Joe, thanks. Hey, it cold and rainy here, the snow and ice crap is a little north.

Jim. thanks. At least be passed on down to my kids.

Main Street to the Mountains

Ivan, thanks.

Main Street to the Mountains