3D and v carving in wood


The Cherry book is for custom birth announcements or wedding books. Cherry eagle and flag. My front door entry sign. Photo v carved in Hickory, and my LOGO in Cherry and Purpleheart.

Being retired is way harder than you think! ;0).

What kind of CNC set up do you have?

It’s a Shark Pro Plus HD sold by Rockler.

Being retired is way harder than you think! ;0).

oh Damn that cool. yeah some day ill get one of them some day. i just dropped 4100.00 on vehicle repairs that broke me.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Sorry to hear that Jeff, you could have bought a CNC for a little less than that. ;0)

Being retired is way harder than you think! ;0).

I have been looking at cnc’s , Legacy has a five axis that can be used as a lathe also.
I could buy a Shark , a large lathe & a good cabinet table saw for the price of a small Legacy , about $13,000.


The Lagacy may be good, but too pricy. I can do everything on my Shark that they can, except the extra two axis. At least it satisfies all my needs.

Being retired is way harder than you think! ;0).

Very cool work CNC’s are cool

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker