A second stick dulcimer


This has a spalted birch body, hand shaped mahogany neck, and an indian rosewood fretboard. The birch was in my firewood pile. I milled it into 2.5mm thick strips and glued them up into panels large enough for the body.

It’s not strung but that’ll happen after I shellac it.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

That is so very awesomely cool. I just built the one string didly bow. So i have questions about yours. I see yours is going to have 3 strings. Is that the common number? Next did you have plans? And last how do you know where to place the frets, i there a deminsion and where do you pull that from?

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Yes three strings. This one is tuned gdg. I’ve seen some with a pair of high g strings (so four strings) but not actually heard them. the fret pattern for this comes from plans that I got from Michael J. King, a luthier in England. The positioning is very anoyingly precise. I’ll be building king’s rounded body version next. It’s a proper instrument.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

Sorry, it’s tuned dad…I made a mistake above

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

Well, here it is. Lots of shellac, maybe six coats or seven, and a quick rub with a pumice and mineral oil paste.

It sounds great, very loud and a bit “twangy”… and that wood! To think I almost burned it. Thanks rabbit for spotting it.

I made the tailstock from some aluminum angle ground on my sharpening grinder, painted flat black.

The little wooden knob at the end looks huge in this phito but it seems ok in real life.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

Very cool a unique and beautiful project

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

You can find a fret calculator at StewMac. I have built several of these in different configurations.