Retirement Clock


First off, thanks to David for the idea! I loved it, had to make my own, with my own twist. My old manager just recently retired, so i wanted to make him one. I started out with some white oak, mahogany, and not sure if beech or something else.

Thanks to the guys that helped me identify what i had.

I first cut the floating back. I liked that line in the grain so i wanted that to stay in the piece.

I then cut out the 2 sides.

I took the pics next to the square to give you an idea of sizes. I did not want to use nails or screws, so i cut a slot in the sides to set the floating back. Jigged up my router table.

Once I got those done i drilled the hole in the floating back for the clock movement only to realize the screw for the hands was not long enough to protrude the 3/8" thick floating back. I partially routed the back side to allow the screw to protrude, i used my chisel to do what i didnt get with the router.

So the center is cut so i glued it and clamped it.

I was torn on the base, like i previously said i didn’t want to use nails or screws, but i felt a simple press on glued joint would not suffice (prob would, but i didnt like the look) I laid out where the sides would fall and took a chisel and made very shallow grooves.

Once that was done i was ready for assembly. This thing is about 9.5" wide, 9" tall, and about 4.25" deep, and it weighs 2.5lbs!! It feels solid. I am very happy with the results. Once again thanks David for the great idea!!

Very nice!

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Awesomeness! Very well Done.
I just picked up paduk, purple heart and yellow heart for a clock build myself. I’ll be posting soon on that clock.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Looks great Tony! I like the floating clock face!

Thanks David, and thanks for the great idea!!

fun clock

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker