Taylor Graduation gift


So the clock i recently made, i posted on my face book and a lady in my neighborhood messaged me and said, my niece is going to graduate, what can you make her. I asked what she was into, she said vioin, and culinary arts. So BAM, this is what i made. I had to rush thru it, only about 3 days to get it done. When she picked it up the finish was still a bit tacky.

i started with mahogany for the letters and the shapes, and used red oak for everything else. Here are some build pics. I used my bandsaw to the cut the letters and shapes, then filed, and sanded.

Well done. It sure looks like a lot of work, and some great skills. Great job!

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

I like it,nice photo work up,well done.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker