A dream laundry room


Just finished up a laundry room overhaul for a customer that wanted cabinets to match her kitchen. She plans to have a stainless steel counter and sink installed. Imagine having 15 doors and drawers in an 8′ × 8.5′ room. What a great improvement from the before pic. The rollout hampers are slick with the Hetich undermount soft slides and stainless steel vented fronts.

My Woodshop is my happy place? trimandcraft.ca https://www.facebook.com/Trimandcraft

Excellent work this looks great.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Beautiful work. Their is a Ton of innovative thinking into how all the components and types fit together, great job! Very beautiful work.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

nice work you done a great job


Looks very good.

Mike, an American living in Norway