

My first and only wood burning project , The trim is a disaster and people ask me why I don’t redo it . I made this in 1982 and when I look at it I can see how I have improved my skill as a woodworker


I think it looks nice! I should try doing the whole owl in action like that sometime. ?

Yes, I'm the weird girl who does pyrography...:) Don't forget to check out my Etsy shop at www.charleeabelles.etsy.com !

Looks good Bruce

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Looks like it took a great deal of time and patients. Looks Fantastic, good job.


It looks great Bruce.
you did an excellent job on that.

My first and only burning does not come close.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Looks very good to me Bruce. I am rarely satisfied with my projects but like you, I do find solace in seeing how much I have improved over the years.

Mike, an American living in Norway