The Box


Simple box with dovetails. Not a real big fan of dovetails, but Martin said he’d give me a prize if I made it..(‘>’) Lightly spalted maple with a dovetail sliding lid. Not sure what will be done with it, maybe sell it as an urn. But for now i’m storing some wooden bowties in there.


Very unique dovetails. Spent a couple of minutes trying to figure out how you did it; tails on side and end boards with a mitered joint and then a dovetail pin insert?

Rob, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario

Dove tail splines! Sexy.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

nice call wolf! dovetail splines it is.

Good job , the dovetails really make it stand out .


well done,

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Very nice!

Amor Vincit Omnia

You should get the price.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Pretty box, even if you don’t like dovetails


Congratulations on the dovetail project win !! well done

Regards Rob

Thanks for all the compliments, they are much appreciated.