Treasure Chest for my grandson


My grandson was in need of a secure storage box for his “treasures” and other important items that visiting little “kleptos” seemed to make disappear. I built this chest for him out of scrap 2X2s and rough sawn fencing. I burned in the skull & crossbones as well as his initials. Stained the skull with golden oak, the fencing with driftwood and the frame with ebony. Although it has a rough look, I sanded it down before staining and it is very smooth. Three coats of polycrylic and here it is

Joe Fiore

looks great grandsons always seem to love the pirate theme

Cool and fun

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Thanks guys. I think he likes it.

Joe Fiore

Very cool! I bet he “treasures” that for years. :)

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men - and women - to do nothing. Burke

Very Cool. And, tomorrow, (9/19/2016), is “talk like a pirate” day.

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