Fly Through Bird Table


Well it has had me at my wits end and defied me until the last but I have finally finished the bird table. It has been a learning curb and a half but I am so glad I finished it and didn’t give up. It is sturdy enough for the job, resembles a bird table and I don’t think it turned out too badly in in the end. I already plan to do more woodwork so even though I decided I hated every minute of the build it hasn’t put me off. I think now this project has been completed my next one will go a lot smoother ?


A true one of a kind, each project we do is a learning experience.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Couldn’t agree more. I have gained some confidence from this one and I’m glad I stuck with it. I think it’s a shame that someone else is doing the wood stain as it will look much better when it’s all the same colour


Nice work!

It must be bird feeder building time!
Here is one I did this week from Recycled Jarrah, weighs in at about 10 Kgs

All very tricky !!

Regards Rob

Thank you!

That looks absolutely fantastic! I love the the finish on it


The birds are going to enjoy that. Congratulations.

That is a dandy bird house you did a great job.

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)