Three's a charm , update


I started this bowl August 1st , then Murphys law came along . Anything that could go wrong did. First I made an octagon and glued a piece of cherry to each surface . While turning it , one of the wine glass shapes disappeared . Then I removed them all and installed two rings of cherry . Well while I was turning this I lost some of the ring . So I grooved the rings deeper and installed the cherry . By this time the bowl was so thin it warped and blew apart . First time I lost a bowl. I made another octagon and was able to get the pattern I wanted 8 wine glass shapes . I had to inlay the stems .


Looks like your ready to rock and roll Bruce.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

You have peaked my curiosity!


All glued up let the work began.

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)