Stage coach Trunk


We see a lot of old furniture come into the shop for restoration, this one was a challenge as far as we could find out it was from the early to mid 1800’s, it was in pretty bad condition but we still took on the job of finding new parts that were in bad shape and tones of special nails and every one had to be bent over on the inside before any of the inside could be finished, we kept the out side original but they requested the inside cedar with a new cedar tray inside. I think it turned out great and they were very pleased. what do you think

Rick Franks

They had every right to be pleased. That turned out beautiful! Awesome that you could give new life to a beautiful piece.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men - and women - to do nothing. Burke

You did well very well,looks great.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Beautiful restoration, love the cedar.
