Red oak table


Just got into woodworking, that’s my 1 project made with red oak 4×4 and finished with dark walnut stain with satin polyurethane.

Great first table , nice design . Good luck with
your future builds .

Very nice clean design, love it!

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men - and women - to do nothing. Burke

Glad to see you’re enjoying woodworking, this table looks nice but you need to attach your top differently, like many new woodworkers your top does not allow for wood movement this can cause your top to crack
Here’s some information about wood movement.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Thank you for positive feedback. A1jim thank you very much for pointing that out I will buy some figure 8 fasteners and change it asap.

Nice work, like the straight lines.


Nice job. Welcome to Woodworking. Please take the advice about wood movement into consideration for all woodworking projects. When finishing experiment with some dyes before you polyurethane it especially with oak it will balance out the colors.
beautiful table anyway I’m sure you’ll get many many years of pleasure out of it.


Don’t you just love how the grain and color pops out when you put the finish on . Really beautiful piece .


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