New table and chairs!


So its been a long time since I have been on here. A lot going on in this crazy life. We are down to our last of 6 kids at home. With everything so crazy for so long i hadn’t had much time to do any new projects. But that changed recently. Our next to youngest daughter moved apartments this summer before going into her sophomore year of college. Apparently one of the roommates decided to get rid of the dinning table and chairs. So my wife told her " you know your stepfather could make you a new table and chairs". And that was that. She gave me full rein to do whatever I wanted with it. So i decided on a 2 tone look. But i wanted it to be simple, nothing too exquisite. These are college kids we are talking about. I know they are going to tear it up.
For the top and seats i used solid oak. I used finger joints to make up the slabs. The top is 3’×5’. I used my slab plaining jig and 1/2" router to plain the top. And the seats went through my 14" plainer. I used white pine to make the tabled base and chairs. Then i painted the table base and chairs with gloss black enamel. The top and seats got golden oak minwax stain. The i finished it off with 5 coats of triple thick gloss varithane poly. The table top also got 1 coat of glass coat 2 part expoy to make sure it doesn’t end up with heat and water rings for their cups and plates. This was just what i needed to do. My wife knew i hadn’t been able, or had enough time to do any of the projects that i really love doing. She told me she loved watching me work on this project. That i was like a kid in a candy store!

Christopher Richard

That is one fine looking dining set. With the oak and the super tough finish, the kids might surprise you as far as tearing it up. Nice work Christopher.



Nice to see you “back at it.” The table and chair look great. I’m hope your daughter will take good care of her “treasure from Dad.”


“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin

Thank you both! I hope so to

Christopher Richard

Great job.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Thx for sharing…. Did you use a white room for finishing with no dust.
Perfect set for College kids. Pine is fine. I am partial to that dark painted base, and natural top. Nice build. 
a beautiful table and chairs. i know this was 4 years ago but i hope you come back and rejoin us, lots of activity here in the last year with many new people including me.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.