

Had this idea for an X, Y duplicator. Started building the frame. Welded that up and it works pretty smooth. I want to use this for mortise and tenon work. The built in vise will hold the stock and hope it will produce repeatable results. Anyone who has other ideas for its use or general comments? This is kind of a crazy idea but I think it could be us


Pretty cool!

Are the baring V-grooved?
What are the travel dimensions?

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

The bearings and the round stock it rides on is 1/4" . It has a 10 square work area.


I think this is a really smart and useful jig. When you describe it as a ‘duplicator’ It makes me think that you can use stops on it to restrict the routers travel in either direction, or am I missing the point?

Mike, an American living in Norway

Your right. You could do that. But my original idea was to use a pattern or a master. Using this would allow me to duplicate exactly many times over. I need only to place the stock in the exact same place in the vise. Stops could be used for that too. See… this idea is still evolving. I can’t wait to fire this baby up! My first try will be mortise and tenon work.


In the colored rendering you’ll see a yellow follower just after the handle. This follows the master and the stock in the vise is routed. The vise is under the table.


Good idea John,looking good.

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