Old World Baby Sled w/video of build


This Christmas we have a new great niece. Her picture is in the video. She’s a living doll. Dark hair and deep blue eyes that will stay dark and blue as I understand it. Not that common and stunning to see. Anyway she’s a beautiful child and with my nephew and his wife living here in the north in Maine The sled was the ‘right’ thing this year.
This sled is designed after an “old world” sled picture I found in an old magazine from the forties. It is made of red oak. I bent the oak using a heated pipe contraption I’ve had a long time that I bend guitar sides with. The runners have a strip of aluminum along the bottom to facilitate pushing it along rough surfaces if need be. The handle acts to push or flips over to pull the sled. A nylon rope is folded and held on with velcro at the front. The pad was made by my sister (the child’s grandmother) of cotton duct with batting inside. Most of the sled is held together with pockethole screws with some tenons.

See a video of it’s construction here.

Dan Gagner, Craftsman on the lake. The lake is calm, the wife is understanding, the wood is dry. What more is there...

Very nice old school sleigh. You have some great bending skills. Keep up the great work!

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

I like it, a real vintage design

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker