Frog mirror detail


For a while I was doing a lot of carved mirrors. Generally oval in shape.
They are fun to do now and then but when I got into production mode it got boring quickly



CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

I like it.

The frame displays a hint of green.
Did you add that to blend with the frog?

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

THAT is awesome! My wife, a devout nature lover, is really into frogs. She would love this.

Know what you mean about mass production producing boredom.

Thanks for sharing!

Keith "Shin" Schindler

Ianwater… the frame is sprayed with a clear lacquer. The frog was coloured with a combination of acrylic paint and aniline dyes.


Great design and carving

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker