I cheat. I don’t worry about much of anything, when applying finish. I use a cheap brush and keep it in a can of thinner. When I go get the brush, there is the expected 1/4" thick gel on top. To clean the brush, I run it up and down the cyclone fence, which knocks MOST of everything off.

After about five layers, I have a wonderful finish that, if you run your hand over it, will send you to the medicine cabinet to gauze to stem the bleeding.

At that point, I fire up the sander and sand it all with six hundred. Now, it’s safe to run your hand over, but it has turned opaque.

Next, I pull out the pumice, add water and start buffing with my Porter Cable random orbit, variable speed sander. When done, I switch pads and move to rottenstone and water.

After the next big change, I pull out McGuires plastic polish.

When done, you’d be hard pressed to find a difference between the brushed finish and a sprayed on one.