The thing that really burns me is that there’s no signature required and they usually just leave packages on a table I made outside the front door. Yeah, the table was made for delivery people to leave packages! LOL. But this guy thought he was being nice by leaving it with me since he saw me there. When he saw that I was intensely focused using a loud machine with a sharp bit spinning at 10000 rpm, he could have said to himself, you know, maybe I’ll just leave it here on the table a few feet away instead of disturbing this fellow that appears to be intensely focused using a loud, dangerous machine. I’m telling you – that would have been using some good old fashioned common sense.

And also, when I told my wife about it, she agreed completely. She never disturbs be while I’m in the middle of cutting. Immediately afterwards, well that’s another story. ;-)

Losing fingers since 1969