ONEIDA - Dust Sentry.

Boys and Girls,
I was warned a couple of days ago and thought it was an opportune time to pass this on to those that don’t know about it.
Most woodies have dust extractors “gathering dust” (pun intended), but none more than similar to these type of big suckers 
attached to timber destroying machines 
that can reduce a 30 year old growth to a toothpick in minutes without you realising you’ve blown the capacity of it's collection bin till it’s too late… quicker than on a lathe, which without much control, throws your squandering in your face.
Naturally this depends on your setup and if you still collect your shavings in these plastic bags alone, 
it’s only a case of an occasional glimpse till you realise you will need to reach for the magnets 
as you empty/replace the bag.
Now many like me have front ended their sucker with some sort of cyclone separator that feeds a drum,
When I got mine, I cut a viewing hole into it and covered it with perpex,
So I could look inside to see when it was full. But many like me just seem to forget and even if you remember, the viewing window will be covered in fine dust 
(and its’s just been emptied  and wiped clean recently),

so you have no idea of the fill status only to discover it’s just a TAD too late when the dusty’s plastic bags shows early warnings from
and before you realise it, far too often to an overflowing level. We all tend to underestimate how much of our expensive timbers we shave off and discard… we only “count” the offcuts which may only be 10% of the wastage.
Now I’m no engineer and have to rely on commercial items, so it was a blessing when I stumbled across this item,
We in Aussieland just don’t get the same exposure to goodies like yazall in your first, second and third world countries… we seem to be lower than that (about 17th world), and our govermin and suppliers like to treat us as mushrooms and only expose us to cheap "useless" Chines crap… that’s why I love reviews.
After that whinge, this product is designed to detect the level of sawdust (height) in the container,
While there is no siren, there is a strobe light that is impossible to miss.  
The first time it came on I thought my place was being raided and it took me half a day to hide all my contraband I though could get me into trouble… the problem was that I am a shifty bastard and so good at it, it took me another half a day to find them after the cops left... hell, some are still missing!
While that light,
might not seem intimidating, it's so "in your face" that there should be a health warning about it, if it already isn’t. 
Now I don’t think you should store it neatly in a drawer or you might will miss the warning, but in an open space where it is impossible to miss, let alone ignore.
There is a small green light on the sensor,
and I do suggest you periodically check to ensure it is still on… a few times I managed to accidentally unplug it, however, fortune smiled on me as I discovered it before a fatal overflow.
Don’t get me wrong, you don’t need a sealed container, and if you feel like a thrillseeker, you can attach it to the plastic bag,
Just ensure the green light is still working so it can detect when it’s full.

Don’t be crafty  Craftisians,... SHARE  your craft!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD


I think it's a lot of money for such a simple sensor. But it is certainly useful, because my dust bin is often too full.

I’ll second the sentiment. I seem to forget about the level of the dust bin just about the time that red light starts flashing! It’s a solid addition to a DC. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

damn it duckie you may have showed me something useful besides one of the puzzles you keep pushing on us ! i may have to get one of these 

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

i did some looking and found another from IVAC thats much cheaper and not only shows when the drum is full but also what level the bin is at. i may go with this one ?

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

i did some looking and found another from IVAC thats much cheaper and not only shows when the drum is full but also what level the bin is at. i may go with this one ?
Just goes to prove reviews serve a purpose... if only to make people go and look for alternatives... Just write a review when you get it.
Had a look at your discovery... looked interesting... loved that progress "meter" (better than imperial). 

Already having something, I saw little benefit (for me short of disappointment) in reading the entire write up, but didn't detect an in your face warning (strobe or siren) when full.  
Just wondering how in your face the "small" display will alert you if the dusty is hidden in a corner.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Yabbut, the not-in-your-face version keep you from thinking it's a raid and flushing your stash!
the collector is in a corner but ill mount the the led display in a place ill easily see it. i just liked that it showed the progress of filling rather than an ending warning. and, i liked the price 🤑😁

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

One caution about these devices. In low-humidity areas, dust will collect on the side of the sensor emitting the IR light, causing  it to register an empty bin, even as it's completely full. DAMHIKT.

I have two. One does that. The other completely died about two days after the warranty expired.

Would not recommend.

May you have the day you deserve!

I've had mine since I purchased my supercell and it works quite well.  The adjuster thingy (technical term) on top of the sensor is key to ensuring the light isn't going off when the drum is empty or not going off until it is too full.  When I empty the drum, the first thing I do is take the sensor off the top of the lid and wipe the dust off the sensor on the bottom.  Then it goes back into the hole when the lid is put back on the drum until the next time the drum is full.  Once you get the sensitivity dialed in it is very reliable. 

Yeah. Dry air here in the desert is a challenge they didn’t account for. The sensor gets caked in dust before I’ve got three inches of dust in the bottom of the drum. 

Current humidity here is pretty high. 30% humidity with a dewpoint of 9F.

May you have the day you deserve!

got my ivac sensor today. as soon as i can determine it's worth ill post a review.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.