Show Us Your Wood Storage Solutions

Ok, I'm not big on keeping things organized, especially large, varying shaped items like the wood I use for projects.

Hopefully this thread will allow others to shed some light on what they find works for storing wood.

Typically a new or recently moved woodworker will have a manageable amount of wood "in the queue" for projects. Eventually we all start buying or salvaging wood that some day may be used. The result? CHAOS! šŸ˜€

When I finally moved to a place where I could expand my space, I kept the bigger lumber under tarps outside. Eventually I needed something better.

This is a dry space made from old roofing, About 3' wide and 16' deep. I created two tiers of storage so everything was not piled on top of each other and it served me well for several years. Having a dry and flat area to store wood is an investment in keeping all those high-dollar boards in good condition.

Flat storage like this has the disadvantage of needing to move a lot of wood to get to that special piece at the bottom of the stack
Vertical storage is much better if you have the height. You can flip through boards easily and floor space used is kept to a minimum. Instant access!

Unfortunately I don't have the height to take advantage.

A few years later this space was maxed out so I bought a 20' shipping container. Called a "one trip" because it only was used for shipping once, they have pristine floors and gaskets. No more squirrel crap on the top of the stack and being almost new, it doesn't smell like a$$ inside.
Still flat storage, but I created more tiers so I could keep the wood sorted. Some 1/2" pipe spans the uprights and PVC pipe over the pipe makes for rollers and keeps the wood from getting stained.

Also kept here are my oddball boards and the wood I salvaged locally.

Where I still need (ahem) HELP! is my growing collection of "shorts" in the shop.

Trash cans work ok for sorted bits of white and red oak plus everything else.

I'm a tad over-subscribed!

Short/thin pieces are also kept in a somewhat sorted fashion.

Thicker pieces are in boxes sorted by dimension. This is mostly walnut.

Exotics have their place on a shelf

So as everyone can now see (and mock), I have the large lumber under control. Next is to better store the shorts where I can quickly find a piece without having to dump a container out on the floor.

Many of the woodworkers here have solved these issues.
Show us your solutions! (or at least fess up and tell us your plans and ideas)

103 Replies

Great thread Splint!!!


ill post some pic's of my messĀ errrr organization later ! love all the new forums getting created.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Nice forum Splinter, it will be interesting to see what folks are using. I post mine later after I get a couple of photos.

Main Street to the Mountains

Sure appreciate it guys! šŸ‘

I think this is one area where people with little free space will have some really innovative solutions.
Hi Bruce...Good question of everyone. I'm getting to feel I'm back on the old Lumberjocks and with the same buddies!
I rarely buy wood unless I agree to aĀ  project for which I don't have the wood.Ā  I cannot turn down free wood. I have it stored in my barn- all sizes and all of the big stuff. I have a wood storage are under theĀ  deck - just outside the shop- that has some of every thing. In that space at one time I had a rack forĀ  Oak, Pine, Cedar and Walnut. Now there is also mesquite, Jarrah, sycamore, Osage orange, box elder, chestnut. Brazilian rosewood ,cherry,, hemlock, hickory, mahogany. white oak...and about 6 more that I can't remember their names. They tell me to pick them when I come looking for a piece for a new project. In Arizona I just built a small wood storage area next to my shed. I used to leave it is back of the park shop with my name on it but it still seemed to vanish!

Happy Father's Day to all the Dads!!!!!!!!!!..Cheers, Jim

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

I am fortunate to have to have 2 lofts in my shop (designed that way), so that is the storage for the long stuff.

For my drops, I shalvage this large cabinet, drawers are 14" wide, 6 " deep, and 22" to the back, it holds all of my small drops and is sorted by species, I do have a couple of them for turning blanks, and some are extra storage for tools not used much.

For some of the longer drops are up on the shelf above the runout table, also some stored on the back of the runout table.

I do have a bit on the floor next to the bench on the side not used much.

Main Street to the Mountains

ok so here is what ive got stored at this time in life !
my last of the precious cocobolo stash !!!! those are all 4ft long. each being 4"x6" average ! dont ask for hand outs, but ill give to those worthy !!!! you know who you are ? šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ„°

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Looks like you got it covered Splinter. I donā€™t really have one so I canā€™t write a sold page orĀ 
Thesis on itĀ  šŸ˜ŠĀ 

But it is a good subject. Maybe Iā€™ll show you some sticks piled next to the door in the corner.Ā 

Love the salvaged draws.Ā 

James McIntyre

First, Iā€™m terribly jealous of the volume of awesome wood some of you have! Iā€™ve got nothing so plentiful or well organized!! I pretty much have to buy wood for each medium sized project I build, although I do make a lot of scrap projects with the shorts leftover! And leftover storage is about all Iā€™ve got! I made this rolling cart a bunch of years ago and itā€™s fine for the shorts I keep. Iā€™ve got plans for slightly better vertical storage once I get the laundry room built inside the house (thus freeing up the space in the garage/shop occupied by the washer and dryer), but until that happens, this is as close as I get!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

I forgot about the rolling cart for the sheet goods. The base is 30" x 48" with a simple "A" frame attached, all kinds of drops on that. I have used some of them for boxes and drawer bottoms.

Main Street to the Mountains

Pots I like the Koalas sign. Is Ducky over there or was he? I smell stale duck nightys.Ā 

James McIntyre

i had the koalas sign many years before i ever knew the duck. as for stale duckie nighties, oh my god man dont make me

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Lol. Sorry Pottz. I didnā€™t know it was so bad.Ā 
After your done, wipe your mouth and pull up your plumbers crack pants. And take two and message me in the morning. šŸ˜ŠĀ 

Servpro can help you with the clean up. Like it never happened. Ā No service for toxic nighties.Ā 

James McIntyre

WTF !!!! james your taking what i said way too serious dude ! šŸ¤”

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

And I also think your taking me to serious bro. I canā€™t think how I was taking you serious. Itā€™s all good fun.Ā  Do you realize you just said a bad word here at Craftisian? If I were you I would erase it.

I thought you were posting Ā an aviator of you. Who else would it be? Ā You posted it. I didnā€™t post it. ā€œdudeā€. Ā šŸ˜ƒĀ 

James McIntyre

Pottz you should delete this.

I wouldnā€™t disrespect Ducky and pretend I was barfing over his duck night gown, or because of it.Ā 

James McIntyre

dude you dont know or understandĀ  the relationship the duck and i have,so dont worry about it ok ? so no i wont delete anything ! most of those that have been around long enough know what im saying !!!!!

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

I hope you stop calling people Dude like the Big Guy does. Get some rest. We can talk in the morningĀ 

James McIntyre

james whats your problem "dude"Ā  !!!! and who is this "big guy" ? whats goin on ? whats your problem tonight ! man i thought we were friends ? apparently not ?

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

I'm familiar with how James operates from the other site.Ā  Don't let it get under your skin, Lar.Ā  It ain't worth it.

Half of what we read or hear about finishing is right. We just donā€™t know which half! ā€” Bob Flexner