Monarch Butterflies

We have been raising Monarch Caterpillars.  We collect them from the Milkweed we grow.  In nature, less than 10% make it to butterflies from caterpillars.  When we bring them inside and feed them, we get over 95% to butterflies.

This one just emerged from its chrysalis minutes ago and will take several hours to dry out and get its wings ready.  We will release it later today. Because it is late in the season, it is likely to be migrating south.

12 Replies

Interesting. What got you doing this? 
Wow! I've never heard of anyone doing this? Beautiful. That's quite a success rate. 
I live in Missouri and in the fall a few times we have seen large numbers heading south.  Always fun to catch a view of that. 
Started when kids were young and then learned a lot about Monarchs.  It has taken quite a few years to get several good sized patches of Milkweed. That is the only thing they will eat.  It takes some effort

Last year was an amazing year for Monarchs as we raised and released about 24 of them.  This year we have 7.
The other part of working with the Monarchs is that I can do it even with some of the physical challenges I face.  I also enjoy feeding and watching birds on the back porch.  The addition of the bird feeder cam this year has been great.  We feed the Hummingbirds but only two feeders.  The Hummingbirds are really feeding a lot as they prepare for migration.
yeah it was very interesting to watch the transformation when my wife raised one a few years back. gotta plant some milkweed next year.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

 You gotta get yourself some tags for your monarchs.   

I used to have some milkweed but I rarely saw caterpillars on it because it also attracted lady bugs which will chow down on any caterpillars or their eggs.  I saw more lady bug larva than butterfly larva.  

--Nathan, TX. Hire the lazy man. He may not do as much work but that's because he will find a better way.

We had another one emerge and we released her. She flew up and over the trees.  Another one will emerge today.

We have released two males and two females. This is how you can tell the difference.

I released the last of the Monarchs this evening. It was a male butterfly.  He walked on my hand for awhile before he flew off. 


Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".