CNC routers


I still consider myself a greenhorn when it comes to several things about woodworking, although I have made several projects. Is investing in a cnc router a good decision? And if so, what kind would you recommend?

Brian James

I don’t have any recommendation for you Brian.
I do believe a CNC router would be a great addition to any shop.
I built my own a couple of years ago and fried it on the first try : due to an error in layout-)

As an investment, I would look at the potential direct and indirect revenue and see if it makes sense. The few woodworker that has one I have been following loves theirs and indicated it bring extra revenue.

Hopefully someone who owns one will chip in and give you a better opinion.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Thanks for the info. Was it very difficult making your own? I’ve also pondered on that as well

Brian James

CNC is a lot like laser engravers…it makes a difference because you can do just about anything with one, as long as it stays withing the scope of the xy&z…

I’ll stick my neck out here and say it’s not really woodwork, it is beautiful but it’s basically painting with a stensil. I appreciate that it’s a lot of work to create the stensil and I have no lack of respect for the skill and patience it takes to create it.

I suppose you could use one to make traditional joinery, but why would you when it can carve butterflies landing on stars and you can use a saw to cut a tenon for 20 bucks?

Still….Just my opinion… If you want engraving, lots of folks can do it for you.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

It is not difficult Brian.
There are many plans on the internet for sales usually around $30 or so. They also sell the steppers and all the gears you need.
It is usually cheaper than buying a pre-made one. has some great info and some members posted their build step by step. Take a look.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

I forgot to mention Steve’s blog:

You probably know Steve, he is very talented and shared a lot.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA