Rain screen


I live in a valley high in the Welsh hills. It rains here a lot. I had a huge garage when I moved in and since then I chopped it down by half and made the other half a carport. The rain, and I might have mentioned that it rains a lot, is blown by the wind basically horizontally up the valley soaking my carport.

So I came up with this…it’s some cheap tarps off Ebay, some one by twos and some rope… it expands my workspace by over 100%. And I can roll it up to get the full benefit of the view when not in use.

the neighbours haven’t complained. They did have to look at this before…

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

good thinking. That will sure prevent the rain.

My dad has “pvc” curtains with a rail outside on the veranda for the same purpose: Rain and sun.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

The screens have been up for a week now…NOT ONE DROP OF RAIN!

If you live in a rainy part of the world I highly recommend this as a way to ensure sunshine.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)