Flea market find


So today the weather was nice after a few storms so me and the fam went to traders village, well as we walked around I found this sweet jem!! It was stuck and wouldn’t move. I offered the guy $15, but he said $25. I was going to buy it but didn’t want to lug it around. So as wel left I went back I offered him $18, he said no, he had been working on it lubing it breaking it loose and he did so. So I gave him the $25. It’s a Wilton with a 9" opening. Still needs a little clean up, but the action is pretty smooth.

It’s a gem. I worked with them at the school.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA


Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Great find. And just what I need too. :-)

Losing fingers since 1969

Traders village in grand prairie? If so how did I miss that. Lol.

look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, no it's a big hunk of the bowl I was turning.

It was great timing because last week i was thinking about buying one, i was going to buy a cheap one at home depot because i cant spend too much on one at the moment, but found this, so i was excited.

Yup Munchy, traders in GP. I usually dont find anything but every once in a while i get lucky.

You got very lucky, great find on a great vice. The one one decent looking woodworking tool I found out there nearly electrocuted me ( a old all metal body porter cable router) lol buyer beware.

look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, no it's a big hunk of the bowl I was turning.

super find,enjoy!

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