I have a buddy that wants to redo his front door. As it is now it is painted, but he wants to possibly stain it. It faces directly west so it gets a lot of sunlight. Any recommendations on coating, is there any special steps or maintenance required for this? TIA!

Entry doors that have been hanging a while have a tendency to be very dried out. Refinishing old doors takes a bit of care, the moisture content on the inside can be higher and dry wrotting can possibly be an issue. Take care to make sure that the wood is truly sealed on every possible edge, to prevent warping.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

I would use a marine grade varnish. Put on 5 to 10 coats. One a day depending where you are in the States. Texas 10 coats. Should last you 2 years, before light sanding and a new coat or two.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

One of the guys I work with is a very experienced finisher. A real artist. Anyway, we had a conversation about this exact same topic once. He was involved in the renovation of a very expensive home and the front door is the same situation. He goes back every 2 years to refinish the door. I don’t remember what he said he uses, but I think it’s spar urethane.

Losing fingers since 1969

Thanks for the input guys, he told me the door was a bit rough, that was an understatement! The door is rotting out. He is just going to get a new door, maybe i will make it for him, i have never made a door, but hey i will try anything once.