Switching Projects

Is there an easy way to bring projects (pictures, descriptions, etc.), from another site, or do I just start from scratch like I originally did.  Thanks, Mike

10 Replies

Send me a message, Mike. Thanks.

Martin Sojka, Maker of Craftisian

Martin probably has more specific tips than I do, but for all new projects, my workflow is to write them upon my own website then simply select the entire post in Safari (on my iPad) and then paste the article to its new home. Works fine on LJs and seemed to work ok here, as well. The important thing to me is that I won’t be writing up any new projects anywhere other than my own site first. I should’ve known that given my history on the internet (been running one website or another since 1995), but I “forgot” (or was too lazy to remember) that for half a decade of posting on LJs.

May you have the day you deserve!

the ones ive switched here like the wall table i just went on my lj's project pic's, clicked save to-pictures then pulled from that and posted here.the descriptions i just copied and reposted with the pic's. pretty easy actually.maybe martin has an even easier way ?

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Dave, pottz -  Thanks, I will see how this works for me.   Mike
If they are project posts since the site change over, I believe the pics are embedded. I’ve copied over several of my newer projects simply by highlighting the text and images and copying them, then pasting them into the appropriate field here. It’s worked perfectly. 

For older posts where the images weren’t imbedded, I added the images from my photos app, but then I keep those images on my phone…

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

I copied and pasted the text and inline images for one of my projects and one of my blog series from LJ and pasted them here too, and everything looks good.

But… Martin told me one very important thing we should be aware of. The pasted images that display here in posts created that way are still being pulled from LJ servers, so if they are moved/deleted there, we’ll start seeing lots of missing images (broken links) here.

I’m going to re-upload and reinsert the images into my posts here so all my images are hosted here. I still have all my photos on my computer, so it will be easy for me.

I also asked Martin about preferred image sizes here. Currently, gallery images (the six that display at the top of a project) are scaled to about 800 pixels and inline/embedded images are scaled to 640 pixels. He suggested uploading images in the 1600 pixels-on-the-long-side range in case he ever increases their display size.

Thanks guys, most are in my pictures on my computer and shouldn't be a problem getting to them.   Mike
I think I just repost from my computer, so there is no chance of a broken link in the future. I posted one earlier and it did not seem to take. Or I should say it's not appearing on my profile page.

I like Dave's idea about doing the post on the computer first then pasting it into the site.

Main Street to the Mountains

 I like Dave's idea about doing the post on the computer first then pasting it into the site.
That's what I do Eric,

so I can easily recreate my Projects, "hints & tips" Blogs and Reviews... unfortunately it's the follow up banter and thread hijack that is irreplaceable.

Started doing this as I tend to get a tad carried away with the size of my posts and there's nothing more frustrating than loosing the WEB page on the last few lines ("pages")...

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Might have to give this a try, Thanks, Mike