Auxilliary table saw fence

My tablesaw is a right tilt Unisaw with an Incra fence on the right side. When I need to make a cut with the fence on the left side of the blade, such as a bevel cut, I need to get creative.

The Incra fence can be set up on the left side temporarily. It's not as simple as a Biesemeyer or similar fence, it takes too much time for me.

I made a fence that is secured in the Incra fence rails with carriage bolts. 3 layers of 3/4" MDF. 2 & 1/4" x 3" x 34".

It takes a few minutes getting it in the right place and square to the blade. Much less time than my other option.

I want to do right, but not right now. Gillian Welch

11 Replies

We come up with solutions, that fit our needs. Well done.

Main Street to the Mountains

same problem for me,i need to do this myself.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Why not set up the Incra permanently on the left? Honest question…

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

I thought that ,too. It's the way it's made. It would work, but I'd have to go to the other side of the fence to set it. The Incra fence takes up a lot of room on the right side, that's why a lot of folks don't like it. I don't have the room on the left side to make it permanent.

I want to do right, but not right now. Gillian Welch

I have one on my saw. Love it, but I get it, it does take up room. That’s one reason why I bought the long rails. To make a wide cut I’ve got to open the garage door for the fence arm to slide out.  And you would have to change everything over thought-process wise to a right sided cut. Whatever works!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Great idea may have to use this in the future.  Mike
With 2 sets of nuts and bolts, how do you keep it perpendicular (or maybe even 90°). 

I assume you need to tighten those nuts... spanner?  Gotta be an easier way if I'm on the right track...

Shame about the issues.  Haven't the Incra TS, but the router and hate to see it go to waste.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

The head of the carriage bolt rides in the slot of the fence. 

I position the aux. fence where it is the right distance from and square to the blade, then tighten the nuts to keep it in place. Yes, with a spanner.

I want to do right, but not right now. Gillian Welch

Don’t know if you care to consider it, but if I was making such a thing I’d use a couple T-bolts through the fence to grab the rails, with knobs to tighten down against them. Wouldn’t require a wrench that way and would make adjusting a bit faster maybe, but I don’t suppose it matters that much. What works, works!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

It's the having to square that sound a pain...

These may cost a few shekels more than a nut,

however, since you bought the Incra fence, I'm assuming convenience is a greater priority.

They are both available from Rockler (cost a bloody fortune shipping to Aussieland)...

The knob is a slip knob that's great for long threaded rods when you need to physically remove the knob and not just loosen.
The other gizmo works on a cam system and a breeze to select the appropriate force, without tools... I think there's an Incra version,

hmmm, not sure as there is no branding... though more the Woodpecker$ colour.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

I don't remember exactly when I made it. This is the second time I've used it. I use what I have on hand when I can.

I want to do right, but not right now. Gillian Welch