Carving a Welsh Love Spoon

5 entries

1 Designing the Spoon

“This blog was originally posted on another woodworking forum back in 2015. The fact that I finished this project a long time ago means you won't h...

2 The Caged Ball

In this episode, I show you how I tackled the caged ball section of the Welsh Love Spoon. I started by squaring the outside of the cage and transfe...

3 The Heart-Shaped Bowl

 Now it is time to carve the bowl of the spoon. Since the top surface of the spoon bowl needs to be lowered somewhat and I will lose my drawing of ...

4 Carving the Chain Section

I was going to do the padlock next after roughing out the chain, but once I started on the chain I was enjoying myself so much that I just kept rig...

5 The Twisted Stems and Padlock

I decided to tackle the twisted stem section in parallel with the padlock and I kind of jumped between the two as I progressed. First off, I drill...